Friday, October 10, 2014

Update on BB's

So, after our dentist visit, I knew I had to get Pearce to stop sucking on his BB's...especially at night and nap time.  Last weekend, I decided to just do it.  Friday, I talked all day about how he could go to sleep with BB's, but that I was going to take them during the night and they will be waiting for him in the morning.  So, after he went to sleep, I went in and took them.  About an hour later, he woke up crying for them.  I went in and told him he could have them in the morning.  He cried and cried.  I just rocked him and sung to him and he finally calmed down after about 30 mins.  I put him back to bed.  About an hour later, he woke up again.  I decided I would not go back in because I did not want Pearce to get in the habit of wanting me to rock him in the middle of the night.  He needed to learn how to go to sleep on his own.  This time, he cried for about 15 minutes and then slept the rest of the night just fine.  In the morning, he was so excited to have BB's back!  I kept reminding him not to suck on them, though.  At nap time, I decided we could rock with BB's, but then he would have to put them up until he woke up. He was totally fine with this!  We rocked and then he went and put them on his chair and then came back to his room to be tucked in.  He did wake up once crying for them.  I went in once and told him his nap wasn't over yet and he had to go back to sleep.  He did!  So, that has been our routine now.  We rock with BB's, but then he puts them in his chair until he wakes up from nap or nighttime.  I would say nap time is still a little hard.  Some days he wakes up crying for them.  I just don't go in there and he always goes back to sleep.  At nighttime, he never wakes up crying for them.  This is such a relief to me!!!  I thought it was going to be WAY harder!  Although I would love for him to be able to keep sleeping with BB's, there's just no way I wanted to be the least bit responsible for him having an overbite or it getting worse.  He does still want to take them in the car, which I let him, for now.  Eventually, I'll have him just leave them at home, but I didn't want to make too many changes all at once.  Sometimes he will say "Mommy, I suck on BB just a yittle bit."  I think a little sucking on BB's is fine for now....definitely better than sucking on them for 15 hours a day!  I am so proud of Pearce...and Mommy!!!     

1 comment:

  1. You're stronger than me! I know I'd give in. But, I'm very proud of you and Pearce. Our precious little boy is growing up faster than GG wants him to. You're the best mommy!
