Thursday, March 7, 2013

Pearce, what are you up to now?

Although I said I wasn't going to do monthly updates like I did for his first year, I do have some things that I definitely want to remember about this month.  So, maybe I will still do monthly updates...who knows!  Anyway, Pearce is now 13 months old and soooo much fun!  I know I always say that, but he just gets more and more fun each day!  Here are some things I want to remember:

*You weigh 23.2 lbs.
*Still not walking :(  I am so ready for you to walk, but I know you will do it when you are ready....will you just try to hurry up, though?  In the meantime, you get around just fine with your speed crawling!  
*Size 12-18 month clothes.
*Size 5 diaper

*I am seeing more of myself in you.  You definitely still look like Daddy, but I am seeing some of my expressions in you, and I think your eyes are looking more like mine.  'Bout time!
*You still love your blankies!
*You have quite a vocabulary!  I was wondering when you would start saying real words and it was just after your first birthday.  Your first word was "hot."  Now you say:  Daddy, hot, Sissy (which is what we call our dog, Daisy), cheese, uh oh, doggy, see.  You also babble and talk baby-talk constantly!  Still waiting for you to say Mommy or Mama.

*You understand lots of commands, like brush your hair, brush your teeth, where is the car, where is the doggy, go get your blankie, etc...
*You LOVE to climb stairs and when coming down, you will go right to the edge of the step, then turn around  and go down on your tummy.  I taught you how to do that :)
*You can't STAND it when I wipe your face or nose or hands :)

*You LOVE all doggies and get so excited when we see one.
*Speaking of getting excited, you get really excited when Daddy comes home!  You squeal and kick your legs and can't crawl fast enough to him.
*If you could stay outside all day, you would be happy!  You point to go outside.
*You are usually a very happy little guy and smile all the time!
*At bedtime, after I give you your bottle, I hold you and tickle your back and you will just lay your head down.  You also love it when I rub your head.  Then I hold you like a baby and tickle your face and point out your eyes, nose, hands, and fingers.  You love to be loved on :)