Thursday, April 25, 2013

15 month well check!

This morning was Pearce's 15 month well check!  I am always so excited to take Pearce to these appointments because I love finding out about his height and weight and hearing what his doctor has to say about him.  Pearce was such a good boy!  The nurse first got his height, weight and head circumference.  Pearce was very cooperative for all three!
His stats
Weight:  23lbs, 13 oz (72 percentile)
Height:  31.5 inches (72 percentile)
Head Circum.:  47.5 cm (75 percentile)

We had to wait about 15 minutes before Dr. Sperling came in, so what did Pearce do?  He found the light switches and had so much fun turning them off and on, off and on, off and and on :)

He got tired of using his fingers to turn the lights off and on, so he started using tongue depressors....then he started dropping them down the side of the table and would say "Uh oh, uh oh, uh oh!"  I would give him more and the cycle would just repeat itself....I bet there are 10 or more tongue depressors caught behind the table...oops!

Dr. Sperling came in and she was so sweet and calm with Pearce.  He just kept "talking" to her and telling her everything he knew :)  I was excited to tell her the 15 words Pearce knows!  She really was impressed by that.  It was also nice to hear that she is not worried one bit about him not walking yet.  He is just taking his time and needs to build some confidence up...awww, little guy!!!  These are the words he knows:

1. Daddy                                 6.  Keys             11.  No No (nah nah)                                          
2.  Hot                                    7.  See                12.  Bye Bye (baa baa)  
3. Doggy                                 8.  Uh oh            13.  Thank you (day doo)
4. Sissy (what he calls Daisy)   9.  Ball (Bah)      14.  Bubble (buh buh)
5. Cheese                              10.  Ow               15.  Mama

She did say he needs to stop taking a is time :)  I told her he only takes one in the morning when he wakes up and at night when I rock him at bedtime.  I didn't tell her about the bottles before and after his afternoon naps :)

I mean, what is wrong with this?????  I know, I know.....we will work on it.  And yes....I let him crawl around on the was too hard keeping him on my lap, so I gave up :)

Now it was time for shots.  He got one toe prick for a Hemoglobin check, which his levels were perfect and then one shot in each thigh.  I had to hold his hands and he cried so hard that he couldn't catch his breath.  After the shots, I held him and gave him is beloved blankie and bottle and all was right with the world again.  So thankful for this healthy baby boy!  I just love him so much it hurts sometimes.    

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Our weekend in Little Rock

Pearce and I just got back from Little Rock.  Chris went to The Masters, so Pops and Mimi asked if they could fly us to Little Rock...ummm....ok!!!  We had such a great time!  And thank goodness, Pearce was SO good on all of the plane rides!  When we had our layover in Dallas, I wanted to find a place that wasn't crowded so Pearce could crawl around and get some energy out.  We found an empty terminal where another little boy was doing the same thing.  His mom said I looked so familiar to her and I jokingly said, "Well, I have a twin sister."  And she said, "Oh! Ashley!"  She said I looked like her, but she could tell I wasn't funny!  Ashley was in a play group with her and her best friend is Ashley's neighbor...SMALL WORLD!!  Pearce and Dean had the best time playing together!

There was lots to explore when we got to Pops and Mimi's house.  Pearce loved looking at this little piggy.  He also loved looking out that big window!

Helping Mimi make potato soup :)

Mimi has a cabinet just for Pearce's food, bottles and snacks....and boy does she have good snacks for Pearce!

Friday, we headed to the zoo!  I was so excited for Pearce's first visit to the zoo.  The only bad thing is that we had Pearce in his stroller and when we started to look at the animals, we realized Pearce couldn't we all took turns holding him :)  He was fascinated with all the animals.  He really took it all in and wanted to get as close as he could!

Since Pops and Mimi were dressed like they were going to a football game, we had to get a picture with the Razorback :)

We rode the little train, too!  When we were little, Ashley and I loved riding this train at the zoo, so it was fun seeing Pearce ride it.

The gorillas were my favorite animals to see.  Look at this big guy!  There was also a mama gorilla and baby!  She kept her baby close, but we could still see it.  After seeing Cliff's pictures of the mountain gorillas in Africa, I felt kind of sad for these gorillas that they weren't in their natural environment.  They were so beautiful to look at, though.

After a LONG nap back at home, we went outside to play some more.  I love the red tint to his hair in this picture!

Pearce was really putting on a show for us here...he kept clapping for himself, so then we would clap for him, and on and on it went :)

On Saturday, we met GG at The Wonder Place.  It's a fun play area that has all kinds of neat things for kids to do.  Pearce was on the move!  His favorite was this water table.  He LOVES water....hope he loves swimming this summer!  GG had fun watching Pearce explore they whole place.  After that, we went to McDonald's...Pearce's new favorite food:  McNuggets :)

GG is still recovering from her knee surgery, so Pearce loved playing with her walker and finding all kinds of neat things in her bag :)

It seems that Pearce can make a friend anywhere.  This little boy was just about Pearce's age, and they were  having so much fun looking at each other through this window!

Then they went in for a kiss!  This was so cute and funny!  Good thing there was a window there, but how sweet is this?!  I showed the picture to his mom and she just laughed and laughed and said he had just learned how to kiss :)

Dr. and Mrs. Smart came over to see Pearce and they brought him a little gift, too!  Pearce was kind of shy at first, but he really warmed up to Diane.  He REALLY loved the 3 cars she brought him, too!

It is never easy to leave, but we had a great visit in Little Rock.  Once again, Pearce was perfect on the flights home.  He didn't sleep at all...until we landed in Austin.  By the time we were able to get out of our seats, he was OUT.  He slept all the way home AND another two hours when we got home!  My good, good baby boy!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Easter 2013, Part 2

Ashley got back from the funeral late Saturday night, so Sunday, I packed everyone up and headed back over to her house to color eggs.  We decided to not go to church since everyone was exhausted, so we just had a laid back Easter Sunday.  Mama came over too and we ended up having the best time!  Nathan and Charlotte were pros when it came to coloring their eggs!  I asked Nathan if he would color an egg for Pearce to have and he got right on that! 

I gave Pearce the colored egg to just explore and see what he thought of it.  He looked it over and then started banging it on his high chair!  Then he tired to bite it, so I peeled it for him to see if he would like to just eat the egg....nope....just wanted to throw it down!

We then decided plastic eggs were probably a better choice for him :)

Showing off their eggs!  We tried to get a picture of all three of them, but you can see how well Pearce cooperated with that.

Me and Ash and our kids.  I'd say we're both pretty lucky!

Now we're ready for the egg hunt!  This was Pearce's Easter bucket.  We put them outside for them to find. They were so excited about all of their goodies!  Then they went outside to hunt for eggs.  It was still pretty wet out from the rain, so we just did it inside.  It was so fun watching them try to find the eggs!

Here's the little mommy helping Pearce.  Charlotte would always tell me, "I yike your baby" or "Auntie Tarrie (She can't say her "c's" well yet), your baby is crying."  So cute!

Auntie Ashy with Pearce.  She looked after Pearce while I got to play with Nathan and Charlotte. He was completely happy with Ash.  We decided that she is definitely the "next best thing" to me :)

Nathan found the "Golden Egg" which had moolah in it!!!!

Busy eating all their candy!

Happy Easter!!!!!