Friday, October 10, 2014

Swords and Boo at the Zoo

Pearce just LOVES Halloween!!  He totally still remembers Halloween from last year and all the spooky things.  He loves anything spooky :)  He loves to go to Target or Walmart and look at the Halloween aisles.  We have several houses in our neighborhood that are all decorated for Halloween, so we have fun going to look at those.  We also got our house all decorated!  Pearce loves the skeleton in our looks like he's coming out of the ground.  When I first put him in, Pearce went up to him and said "Hi skelton, my name Pearce, what your name?"  He's also gotten on a sword kick.  Loves swords!  On one of our trips to look at the Halloween stuff, Pearce found a sword that he just Mommy got it for him :) 

Tonight, I took Pearce to Boo at the Zoo at the Austin Zoo.  When I first saw it advertised, I knew Pearce would love it!  Halloween decorations, Halloween lights, a spooky train ride, a haunted house, and animals.....all of his favorite things!  Our zoo is not a big fancy zoo...the animals are rescue animals so the "zoo" is more of an animal sanctuary, but still so fun.  We got there right when it opened at 6:30.  The kids could wear their Halloween costumes, but because the walkways are more like dirt paths, and we were going to be there at night, and he still falls a lot, I knew I didn't want him to wear his white Buzz Lightyear costume.  Then I remembered that Mama and Papa had gotten him a zookeeper's outfit from the San Diego Zoo last year.  I put it on him and it fit perfectly!!  He could not have looked any cuter!!!  We packed a picnic and off we went!  When we got there, Pearce loved all of the Halloween decorations and lights.  We walked around the zoo and looked at the animals for the first hour.  Then we ate our dinner and then it was time for the SPOOKY train ride.  By this time it was dark out and the zoo was all lit up.  I brought Pearce's flashlight, so he loved that.  The train ride had lots of fun Halloween decorations all along the tracks.  A couple of times, spooky people and monsters wold jump out at us.  Pearce loved it!  Then the train stopped and all of the monsters came over to the train and handed out bags of candy to the kids.  Pearce said "Oh that monster so nice.  He gabe me candy!"  After the train ride, we did the haunted house.  The lady said it's spooky and did I think Pearce would be ok.  I told her I thought so because he loves looking at all the spooky things in the stores.  We walked through slowly and all of a sudden Pearce kept saying "You can't eat me, I a boy!"  So funny!  At the end, there was lots of fog and that kind of scared him, so he wanted me to hold him.  When we got out, he said, "Yay, we made it!"  I asked Pearce if he wanted to go again and he said "Ummmm.....nope thank you."  We left around 8:00 and Pearce just talked and talked all the way home about the spooky things.  During the train ride, he had his little hand on my leg, just looking and looking at all the Halloween decorations and lights.  He was having the best time and because he was having so much fun, I was having so much fun.  I just love experiencing new things with Pearce.  I love going on little adventures with Pearce.  He makes everything so much fun!!!

1 comment:

  1. I love the zookeeper costume and think it was the perfect outfit! Bring it to Little Rock next time you come and we will go to the zoo. The fall weather will be perfect fo that. I love all the Halloween stuff, too. Tell Pearce he was a brave boy! I love the sword. XOXOX. GG
