Monday, January 28, 2013

1 Year Stats

This morning we went to the doctor for Pearce's 1 Year Well-Check.  I love taking Pearce to the doctor because he is always so good for Dr. Sperling and the nurses and I love hearing them say he is on target for everything :) Today was no exception.  Here are his 1 year stats:

Weight:  22 lbs, 6.5 oz- 74th percentile
Height:  30 1/4 inches- 75th percentile
Head circum.:  46 cm.-  50th percentile

Dr. Sperling asked all about his sleep schedule and she was very pleased that he gets a full night's sleep and has two naps a day....although she said that he might start dropping his morning nap...NOOOOO!  She said if he starts not wanting to take a morning nap, to just let him stay awake until noon, have his lunch, and then put him down for an afternoon nap.  As I type this, he is asleep :)  We'll see if he needs to drop that morning nap....but I hope not anytime soon!  

She asked what words he is saying and I told her the ones I know for sure:  Dada, Mama, Hot, and that he says something for blankie, but I'm not quite sure what it is.  She said he will really take off with saying words if we continue to read to him and talk to him about daily activities.  He does babble all the time, so I'm not worried about that.  He has the beginning of an ear infection in his left ear because he has had a little cold and has been congested.  If his congestion isn't better in the next several days, I'll start him on an antibiotic.  

She also said he can start drinking whole milk now.  We can either just drop the formula cold turkey and see how he likes whole milk, or gradually introduce it.  She said she wants him to be off the bottle in the next month.  That makes me kind of sad, but he really doesn't drink his bottle in a full sitting, so I think he's ready.  I think what we'll do is start the whole milk tomorrow in his sippy cup and then give him a bottle of formula right before bed.  That's really the only time he will drink a full bottle....when he's in his nursery with the lights out and sound machine on.  It's like he knows it's bedtime then.  We'll try that for a while and then drop the formula altogether.  

Pearce got 3 shots today.  Two in on thigh and one on the other.  Poor baby boy!  He cried so hard and couldn't catch his breath until I picked him up and gave him a bottle.  Then he was happy!  We don't go back until he is 15 months old.  When I was in the waiting room, a new mom was there with her 2 week old baby.  I got a little twinge of envy seeing the newborn baby, but then my little guy crawled over to me and pulled up on my leg and started smiling and "talking" to me.  Sometimes I do miss the baby stage, but gosh, Pearce is just so fun right now!  I don't know what the future holds as far as another baby....maybe we will, maybe we won't.  I am just sooooooooo thankful for what I have.  There are some blogs I read of girls still waiting for their baby and I just almost can't read them anymore because I know that hurt so well.  I will never forget that.  Anyway, my little guy is happy, healthy, and on his way to becoming a toddler!  

*Birthday post coming soon as I go through the 300 pictures we took....yes, 300 pictures!  

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow! I can't believe how big Pearce is getting. So darn adorable :-)
    Love Aunt Missy
