Friday, January 25, 2013

1 Year Old!

Pearce, you will turn 1 year old at 12:55 today!!!  How is that even possible?!  We have been planning your party and I think it will be really fun!  We are just having a little family party.  Auntie Jen and Auntie Ashy are coming this evening with your cousins.  Mama and Papa and G.G. are coming, too.  All of the decorations are up and I think they look so cute!  

Here are some things I want to remember about your 11th month:

*Your top right tooth finally came through!  Now both of your top teeth is so cute!
*You love to "love" on your will hug them and coo over them.
*You clap on demand now.
*You can do "touchdown" where you raise both of your arms up....not all the time, though.
*You babble CONSTANTLY and it is sooo cute!
*You throw little fits when I move you away from the dogs' water bowls ...not so cute.
*Size 4 diapers
*Size 3 shoes
*Size 12-18 month clothes.
*Still drink Similac Formula
*You can drink from a straw now!  You learned that from Mimi when she let you have a few sips of her sweet tea!
*You got your first haircut.
*You love it when Daddy makes you a juice blend of spinach, and fruit....I think it's yucky, but you and Daddy sure love it!
*You DO NOT like to have your face wiped AT ALL!
*You got a new carseat as an early b-day present from Mama and Papa.  It is so nice and you like the extra room now!
*Your first word was "dada" but you don't say it towards daddy.  Your first official word now is "hot!"  When Daddy holds you while cooking he always said "hot."  The other night I was fixing your dinner and you tried to touch it.  I said, "No, hot."  And then you started saying "hot, hot, hot!"  It was so cute!  I got it on video!
*You started a new game of throwing your blankies over the crib when I put you down for a nap....then you would start crying.  At first, I didn't catch on.  You were crying for a long time which was unusual because you usually play for a bit and then go right to sleep holding on to your blankies.  I looked at the monitor and didn't see your blankies.  So I snuck in your room and sure enough, the blankies were on the floor.  Poor baby...they must have dropped!  Then during your afternoon nap, I was watching you play on the monitor and I saw you stand up and after a few good tries, you threw both of your blankies over and then started crying.  Oh are a smart one!  I told myself I would go in once to give them back to you, but after that, you would have to cry it out.  As soon as I gave them to you, you went right to sleep.  And then it happened the next day!!!!  I have since tied one blankie to your are a mischievous little guy!!

As I type this, I can remember the day you were born so clearly.  I was so excited but so scared at the same time.  All I wanted was for you to be born healthy.  Mommy is a big worrier and Daddy is the exact opposite!  As soon as you came into the world, you were so big and healthy and crying and the most beautiful baby in the world!  Looking back, I had absolutely nothing to worry about.  That day was such a happy day as well as all the days following it!  You are nothing short of a miracle and were always part of God's perfect plan for us.  This is the end of the monthly updates, but just the beginning of a whole new chapter in all of our lives.  That sounds so cheesy, but it is true and it's your first birthday and I'm allowed to be a little cheesy :)  

Pearce, you have made Daddy and I so happy this past year.  You just get more and more fun each day.  You make us laugh, you make us smile, you make us a little frustrated at times :), you make every day a surprise!  Daddy and I feel so incredibly lucky to have you.  Here's to many more fun-filled birthdays to come!  We can't wait to see what you will be up to next.  We love you more than we can ever say.  
Happy Birthday Pearce!!


  1. So cute! Can't believe how fast this year went. I love that Pearce says "hot" now. Brice has started saying "Hi!" and "Hey!" as of last week. This is such a fun age!
