Tuesday, March 27, 2012

My Paci

So, Pearce LOVES his paci.  He came out of me sucking on two of his fingers.  The nurses said he had little blisters on his fingers from sucking in the womb :)  So, he's loved his paci from Day 1!  He likes the Soothie paci's.  His favorite is Wubanub, but we call it Wub-Nub.  It's a little stuffed animal on the end of the paci and it just helps keep it in his mouth because it rests on his chest.  I try not to take his picture with the paci in his mouth, but these are a few pics Erin took when he was 1 month old.  He was a little fussy...until he got his paci :)
"Get me out of this stupid blanket and get me my paci!"

"I'm really mad now!"
"I want my paci!!!"

"Mmmm....that's better." 

"Wait, mommy.  Why did you take my paci away?  Where is it?" 

"I'm mad at you, Mommy."

"Oh, there it is.  I was worried." 

"Please don't take Mr. Paci away again." 

Here's Wub-Nub.  I took these pics yesterday as we were leaving the house.  He loves Wub-Nub :)


  1. OH! Baby boy!! You really did look upset and a little mad at your pretty Mommy. I am going to have to come down there and take care of you and Mr.WubNub. Love, Mama, Papa, and Cookie

  2. Those pictures are so funny! I tried and tried to get Nathan and Charlotte to take a paci, but it never happened. Their coping mechanism was rubbing their belly buttons...Charlotte still does it!

  3. Those pictures are so cute! We haven't introduced a paci yet but will be soon!

  4. Oh, my gosh! These are so funny!! I can attest to Pearce's love of Wubnub. Does pulling over into a parking lot so you can get out and replace it when he's pulled Mr. Wubnub out of his mouth sound familiar??? Chris loved his paci, too. Then, one day when he was about 8 or 9 months old, he threw it away and never looked back. Matthew did the same, but a little earlier. They had gotten their fill.

    My favorite of these pictures is the one where he looks like he's muttering bad words under his breath ("I'm mad at you, Mommy."). So cute! I love him so-o-o much!!

    G G
