Friday, March 30, 2012

Wildflowers with GG

GG came for a visit and we were so excited!  Whenever GG comes, we don't just sit around....we are out and about for most of the day!  On Saturday we went out to lunch and then hit the outlet mall.  We joked that we're training Pearce early to be a good shopping buddy.  He was great at the outlet mall!  Lora got me lots of cute NON-MATERNITY clothes from Banana Republic and I'm soooo excited!!!  I loved wearing my maternity clothes when I was pregnant, but it's a little depressing to be wearing them 8 weeks after.  Although I'm not to my pre-pregnancy size yet, I'm almost there and the things I got will still look great when I loose some more weight.  I also got a new Coach purse AND two new pairs of shoes....thank you Lora!!  Pearce got lucky too.  We hit the Carter's store and got him some new jammies and several cute outfits.  GG couldn't resist getting her little guy two Easter outfits....especially since they were 70% off!  Tuesday decided to go to the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center to get some cute pics of GG and Pearce.  He wore his Easter outfits GG got him.  It was a beautiful day to go!

Pearce's outfit says "Somebunny Loves You."  He looked so cute!

We tried and tried to get Pearce to smile, but the sun was bright.  He  still looks adorable and GG looked so pretty in her jacket!

GG got Pearce his first Easter basket and filled it with all kinds of goodies!

"I love my Easter basket GG!!"

Outfit change!  This is the other outfit GG got Pearce.  It came with little bunny slippers!

It was a good thing we went on this day, because the next day it rained!  But that didn't stop us with our plans!  We did more shopping and even got manicures and pedicures!  I just held Pearce and gave him a bottle while my pedicure was being done.  Then I handed him to Lora so I could get a manicure.  He loved the vibrating chair!  While GG was here, she loved and loved on Pearce.  She fed him, changed him, dressed him, played with him, talked to him...did everything for him!  Pearce is so lucky to have 3 sets of grandparents that ADORE him!  One thing that was so funny to me was when we were at the nail salon, GG was holding him and talking to him.  He was just looking at her and then she started making funny noises and Pearce was just smiling and smiling at her.  It was then that I had this thought, "Only the love of an adoring grandmother could trump any concern of looking silly!"  As long as Pearce was smiling at GG, she was going to keep making those sounds for him...and it didn't matter how silly she looked!  I loved it!!

Lora, we had such a wonderful time with you.  Thank you for taking me shopping and for all of your help with Pearce.  We can't wait to see you again.  We love you!!!


  1. What fun!! Sounds like P is getting a sufficient amount of spoiling! He is perfect!!

  2. I could be wrong, but I thought it was a grandmother's DUTY to spoil her grandchild!! Especially the first one! :) I absolutely adore Pearce, and you are so right about not caring how silly I look if he likes it! I'm sure you haven't seen the worst -- or best ?? -- yet.

    I love you, too! It's so much fun to have someone to shop with and for. That just doesn't happen with sons. So, I'm loving the opportunity!!
