Sunday, March 25, 2012

2 months old!!

It's been 2 months since my baby boy was born, but it feels like he's been part of our life for much longer!    I feel like I know Pearce now.  That probably sounds weird, but the first month, he pretty much slept.  This second month, I've seen his personality come out and I love it!  I was so afraid that with each passing month I would be sad he was getting older, but honestly, it doesn't make me sad.  I really am soaking in each day and I am just loving seeing how he grows and changes.  When I got pregnant with him, I always knew he could be our one and only, so I'm savoring each day and not looking back....only forward.  I do hope we get to have another baby, but only God knows if that will happen or not and I'm totally fine with that.  Pearce is such a happy baby, but he does have his moments.  For example, he does not like for me to wipe his face off.  On days he doesn't have a bath, I'll just use a warm wash cloth to wipe his face...he's ok for the first few seconds, then he starts to cry.  But that is nothing compared to when I have to clean out his nose.  Oh my goodness, he cries SO HARD when I do this.  First I put in a few saline drops and then I use the bulb to suck everything out.  Oh, it is soooo sad.  I scoop him up when I'm finished and sit in the glider and rock him.  Then he calms down.  Poor baby!  Good thing I don't have to do that too often!  We are definitely more on a "schedule."  We follow the "eat, play, sleep" routine.  He has his bottle, then we play on the play mat or do tummy time, then he starts to get a little fussy, so then I know it's time for a little nap.  He is still a great sleeper and sleeps through the night!  I'm actually preparing to start having him sleep in his crib at night.  I ordered a new sound machine that has lots of different sounds.  It will stay on all night.  The one he has now just stays on for 45 minutes which is fine, but I think he also likes hearing the dogs snore during the night.  When he goes in his crib, I want him to have a soothing sound going all night...or when he needs it.  One neat thing about this sound machine is that it's voice activated.  So if he wakes up and starts to cry, the sound machine will start again...soothing him back to sleep (hopefully!).  It also has a projection screen that will project images on the ceiling.  I just want his crib to be peaceful and soothing for him. plan is to start having him take his naps in there with his sound machine and see how that goes for the next few weeks.  More on that later!  Here are his 2 month pics!!




Pearce, you are 2 months old today!!
*You still wear a size 1 diaper.
*You wear 0-3 month size clothes (I have put away all of your newborn clothes).
*You eat 4 1/2 - 5 ounces of Similac Sensitive Formula every 3-4 hours (your tummy troubles are over!).
*You weigh 10 lbs and something.  We go back to the pediatrician on Friday so I'll find out then!
*You are the best little always fall asleep in your car seat and you love to ride in your stroller!
*You sleep through the night which makes Mommy sooooo happy!!!
*You like to be swaddled at night.
*You LOVE your paci's...especially Wub-Nub.
*You do not like tummy time for very long :(
*We go to our play group each week and I love getting you dressed cute and showing you off...although you usually fall asleep and stay asleep for a while when we get there!  Last week, I secretly woke you up because I wanted everyone to see how cute you looked :)
*You focus on your toys on your play mat for a lot longer now.  When I jiggle them, you smile a big smile.
*You smile all the time now!  You have the cutest little dimple.
*You cry real tears now.

Pearce, Mommy and Daddy love you so much!  We are having lots of fun with you.  The other day, I took you to the mall for the first time to find some Easter shoes.  I had you in your stroller and you just looked and looked at me...and smiled and smiled!  I'm sure I looked pretty crazy talking baby talk to you as we strolled through the mall, but I didn't care!  I feel so proud taking you out and about.  I love it when people ask me about you.  Daddy loves to hold you in his big chair and the two of you will watch t.v. together.  He talks silly to you and makes you smile.  I know you and Daddy are going to be big buddies!  Happy 2 month birthday my sweet baby boy!!!


  1. Pearce you look like such a big boy in your chair with your 2 month hat on. I just want to hold you and talk to you and I hope you will smile at me. We love our boy, Mama, Papa, Cookie

  2. It's hard for me to believe that our precious little gift from God is 2 months old now! Each time I've gotten to come, I see his little personality emerging, and it's so sweet. I can't believe how good he is. You all are very lucky! I hope that I can continue to see him about once a month. It's hard to go that long, but it's what we have to do right now.

    When he looks at me and smiles, my heart just melts!!

    Lora (GG)
