Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Happy Birthday GG!!

GG came last Thursday to celebrate her birthday with us.  Pearce couldn't wait for her to get here and kept looking out the window to see if she was here yet.  On Thursday, we just took it easy and played at home because Pearce had a bad cough and wasn't feeling his best.  On Friday we went to eat Mexican food at this place that has a really neat playground for kids.  GG and I had a nice time sitting and eating and visiting while Pearce played and played....he did eat his lunch, too!  Then we went  back home and just took it easy.  On Saturday, we went to Mt. Playmore to play.  Pearce LOVES this place.  It's a big indoor climbing place plus it has lots of video games where you can win points.  Pearce was so excited when we walked in and he was you could win "Marty" with points.  Marty is an inflatable martian that stands up by himself.  Pearce got one during GG's last visit when we went to the Science Museum, but sadly, Marty got popped when Pearce sat on him :(  Thankfully, Pearce got enough points that he could win Marty once again :)  Sunday was GG's birthday, so Pearce and I baked her a strawberry cake and frosted it with butter cream frosting.....and then Pearce added the finishing touches......sprinkles and candles!  We decided to get GG a piñata for her birthday since at the last birthday party we went to, Pearce didn't get a chance to hit the piñata before it fell....he was so sad about that!  So, we got a cupcake piñata and Pearce had so much fun filling it with candy.  I also took Pearce to Walmart to pick out some earrings for GG.  He actually picked out cute earrings and then he wanted to get her a necklace to go with them.  This is where I totally messed up and feel so bad.  He picked out a short necklace, but I knew there was no way GG would be able to put it on by herself, so I talked Pearce into picking out another pair of earrings.  He seemed fine with that, got them wrapped up and then gave her Pearce's present on Sunday.  Well, when he saw the necklace wasn't in her bag, he totally flipped out and got so upset and just cried and cried.  I felt so bad for, it wasn't good that he had such a big fit, but he really was so upset that that dang necklace wasn't included in GG's gift.  Next time, I will let him pick out whatever he wants....lesson learned!  He did calm down eventually, and we had a nice dinner out at Kobe which Pearce loved!  GG also got two gift cards to go with her Walmart earrings :)  Oh, at dinner, Pearce was looking so forward to trying to catch rice in his mouth.  He was not shy about telling the chef that he wanted to try.  Our chef was so nice and gave Pearce several chances and he did it!  Everyone at our table thought he was so cute and well behaved and he ate very well, too!  At the end of dinner, they brought out a piece of chocolate cake with a candle and Pearce was not shy about telling GG that he was going to help her blow out the candle :)  On Monday, GG got to go with us to Gymnastics and see Pearce do all the neat things there.  After gymnastics, we went to the Aquarium and had fun looking at all the fish and birds.  Pearce and GG loved the bird room where birds sat on both of their cute!  After we walked all around, Pearce ended up in the gift shop and picked out a big stuffed snake!  He loves this snake!!  GG had to go home on Tuesday, but she got to walk Pearce to his classroom and then we went to Chapel to watch his class walk in and sing their songs.  Pearce was so excited to see us in Chapel.  Happy Birthday, GG!!!!  We are so happy you were able to come and celebrate your birthday with us!!!  We love you!!!

1 comment:

  1. Pearce, this was the BEST birthday celebration I have ever had!! You picked out great places to go and things to do. I loved Mt. Playmore and Catch Air. I loved watching you climb everything! And I'm so glad we were able to replace Marty. Be gentle with him! I loved my pinata, too. You and Mommy made such a delicious strawberry cake. I wish I had some now! Going to Kobe was so much fun, and I was so proud of you. The other people at our table were really impressed by you. I'm glad you helped me blow out my candles, too. I was very impressed with how good you were at gymnastics! And, the aquarium was so much fun to go to again. I especially loved feeding the fish and the birds. I love "Snakey," too. He's awesome draped around your neck, although I do think it frightened some of the people in Chick-Fil-A at first! LOL. Thank you (and Mommy!) for making this the best birthday ever!!
