Thursday, July 9, 2015

The Days of Summer

Our summer so far has been filled with swimming, sports, outings, play dates, and a few naps :)  Pearce LOVES the water.  I would say swimming is one of his most favorite things!  We usually go swimming at least twice a week.  

I signed up Pearce for his first sports class at the beginning of the summer.  His friend, Gunnar was doing it, and Pearce loves Gunnar, so I thought this would be a good first "class" for Pearce.  They learned the basics of volleyball, but did running drills and obstacle courses, too.  Pearce and Gunnar didn't do most things "right" but they had a great time anyway!  He went once a week for an hour for 6 weeks.  The classes just ended and his next class will be soccer (thanks GG!), but that's going to start in the Fall.

Pearce doesn't take regular, scheduled naps anymore, but ever since summer started, he's taken a handful of naps slept and slept later in the mornings :)

We've gone on lots of outings with friends including the new Bass Pro, the library to meet Captain America, splash pads, candy shops, and my new fave...Blue Hole!



Summer wouldn't be summer without a giant cup of blue shaved ice! 

One new thing I've started doing this summer is letting my hair air dry and not using my hair straightener.  I've LOVED not having to straighten my hair each morning and I'm actually liking my natural waves!  Looking forward to a lot more summer fun with my sweet little boy!!

1 comment:

  1. I love your hair like that!! I love the pic of Daisy watching over him while he was sick!! He's her puppy!

