Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Say What?!

Pearce has said the funniest things lately!
1.  "Oh my dosh, Mommy."  Sometimes he will say "Oh dawd, Mommy."  We always tell him not say that, but it is kinda funny :)
2.  "So Daddy, how is your Mother?"
3.  "When I det older, can I have a beer?"
4.  "I have to doh poo poo...oh wait. It was dust a toot."
5.  "Det away, Mommy, I'm dangerous."  This was while he was playing with his superhero guys :)
6.  "You the best Mommy I eber had."
7.  "You look bootiful."
8.  "You my bestest friend."
9.  "I not gonna be your friend eber again!"
10.  "I can't move, Mommy, I boke my legs" as he's laying on the ground acting hurt while playing with his superhero guys.
11.  "When I say come here now, I mean come here NOW!"  Ummm....this is my fault :)
12.  This next convo happened at Target last week:  "Mommy, I hab to go poo poo right now!"  So we hurry to the bathroom from the back of the store all while he's holding his bottom.  We get to the bathroom and there are several women in there.  I take him into a stall and he says "Mommy, I need pricey."  So I go out and am holding the door closed.  Still, lots of women are in the bathroom.  Then he says "Oh man, my tummy's hurting."  *grunting, straining sounds* "My poo poo hole is hurting, I think this is gonna be a BIG poo poo!"  *more grunting and straining sounds as I look around and see women smiling and holding in their lIghter*.  "Mommy, when I finish going poo poo, can we still doh look at the toys?"  "Tummy's hurting......I did it!  Wook mommy!  That's a BIG poo poo!"  At this point there were about 5 ladies washing their hands and they all just died laughing...I about died of embarrassment :)
13.  "You happy, Mommy?  Smile with your teeth."  This is usually said when I have gotten on him about something.
14.  "Wook at my eyes, Mommy."  He says this when he's telling me a big story.
15.  "What the hake is goin on here?"
One thing's for sure....Pearce is ALL boy :)

1 comment:

  1. He cracks me up! He says so many funny things. Please remember to write them down

