Saturday, December 7, 2013

Mall Santa

Today, Chris and I took Pearce to the mall to see Santa there.  I got him all dressed in his Santa best and we kept taking about going to see Santa and what he was going to ask him to bring him.  He was sooo excited!  Well, as soon as it was our turn, I got him out of his stroller and Pearce's grip on me got tighter and tighter as we walked up to Santa.  He started to cry a little, but was brave and told Santa, "Santa, I want a vacuun."  Santa said "Oh, you want a vacuum!  Well, ok little boy!"  It was so cute!  I was very proud of Pearce for not crying and being a big boy!  He got a sucker and when he hopped down off of Santa's lap he said "Bye Santa!"  So sweet :)  We got a video and took some pictures with my camera and then ordered some, too...which is the last picture.  After Santa, we rode the train, rode the "horsies," and played a little at the play area.  We had such a fun morning at the mall with our little guy!


We always ride the razorback on the carousel, of course!





1 comment:

  1. Love that Santa Shirt. I bet Santa comes to your house with lots of fun toys Pearce. Love,Mama and Papa
