Monday, August 27, 2012

Mother's Day Out

No really, it was Mother's Day (well, actually Mommy, but you get the idea)....out ALL . DAY . LONG :)  Pops and Mimi are in town to help me while Chris is in a little place called Ireland.  So, I started the morning by taking Otis to the vet for his check-up.  Then I dropped him off at home, gave a few instructions and headed out for the day! 

 I made a hair appointment, but got to the mall early, so I decided to go to Penney's for a little bit since it was right by my hair salon.  I saw this top and thought it was so cute!  It will look great with jeans and know to go to Babies R Us in :)  Maybe Chris and I will have a date night soon and I'll wear this!

I was so excited about going out for the day that I forgot to change out of my shorts and t-shirt after going to the vet!  Oh well.

Hair cut time!  I'm letting my hair grow out, but it was getting scraggly.  Before...


I get my bangs cut, but most of the time I don't like them down, so up they went when I got to the car.  I just got 2 inches cut, but it feels so much better!

Old Navy here I come with birthday money!!!!!  I wanted to get some clothes that are cute, but easy to wear and casual.  LOVE these jeans and this button up top.

This top is cute because it's loose and flowy but still a little fitted.

I also got a "lounge wear" top and the bottoms to match.  Good for running around.  All that shopping made me hungry, so I went to Panera for lunch.

I made a few more stops before heading home around 5:30 and I must say, I was missing my boy!  As soon as I walked in, he smiled at me! Pops and Mimi said he was a good little boy.  He took a 2 hr long morning nap and an afternoon nap that was almost 2 hrs long.  I know they absolutely LOVED having Pearce all to themselves and I know Pearce got all kinds of love from them.  It was nice to have an afternoon to myself and do a little shopping.  Thank you Pops and Mimi!!!    


  1. I'm getting my hair cut tomorrow, but I won't have anything that precious to come home to! I'm glad you had a great day OUT. Mommys deserve that -- A LOT!! Looks like you got some cute stuff, too.

    Love you,

  2. You are so cute! I'm glad you were able to have a day to yourself and have some fun. Your new clothes are cute, and your hair looks great. I bet you did not miss missing the first day of school!

    P.S. Hope Chris is having fun and taking pictures!

  3. i need one of these days!
