Wednesday, August 29, 2012

7 months old!

**For some reason this post disappeared!  I'm reposting.  Pearce turned 7 months on 8-25-12**

Pearce, you are 7 months old today!

I cannot believe you are already 7 months old....time is really flying by!  You are growing fast and doing new things all the time and I am loving every bit of it!  

Your 6th month has been the most fun so far.  You are so interactive and your sweet, funny, loving, happy personality really shines through.  These are things I want to remember about your 6th month.

*Last week you weighed 19 lbs!
*You had your first antibiotic for a slight ear infection.
*You wear 6-9 month clothes and some 6-12 month clothes, too.
*You now wear a size 2 shoe.
*Still in size 3 diapers.
*Still take 7 ounces of formula during a feeding.
*STILL vomit spew puke spit up all the time :)
*You LOVE food!  We make your baby food and you have had:  pears, bananas, apples, peas, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes (from Mama), zucchini, and squash.
*You rub your eyes and tug at your ear when you are tired.
*You roll in all directions and scooch on your tummy.
*From the sitting position, you will fall forward to get on your tummy.
*You still have a consistent napping schedule:  You take a 2 hr. long morning nap, a 2-3 hr. long afternoon nap, and most evenings, you'll take a shorter nap...maybe an hour or so.
*We've been putting you to bed by 9:00 and you wake up between 7-8 in the morning.  We are trying to get you to go to bed by 8:30, but that hasn't happened yet.
*Sometimes you'll wake up during the night, but I just put your paci back in and you go back to sleep.
*You started sitting in the front of the shopping carts and in restaurant high chairs!
*No teeth yet.
*You notice when I leave the room and will cry for me a lot more now.  I don't give in to you, because as much as I love you, I won't carry you all the time, BUT when you do cry as I'm walking away from you, I can't help but smile because I know you love me.  You know I'm your mommy and that just makes my heart want to burst out of my chest.  You will let anyone hold you but sometimes you'll get a little fussy and all I have to do is pick you up and you settle right down.  LOVE that!
*You are such a happy baby and you smile all the time!
*Daddy loves to feed you your baby food!
*You jabber all the time and you've started mimicking a few sounds and motions.
*It's easy to make you laugh now.  Daddy is good at making you laugh.  Daddy made me laugh the other day when he said, "I wonder which one of us will break our ankle first?"  He was referring to the amount of toys that accumulate on the floor :)

Pearce, how did Daddy and I get so lucky to get YOU?  You have fit into our life so perfectly and we are incredibly thankful.  I wonder what you will learn this next month....maybe crawling?  We'll see!  As long as you are happy and healthy, I don't care what you do!  We love you baby boy!



  1. You are growing so much! I love the baby stage, but I also love being able to play with you more and seeing your personality come out. You are just so cute, it makes me miss you so much! Love you!

  2. Pearce.

    I can't believe how fast you are growing and changing! I can tell that your little face is slimming down (cheeks) and looking more like a little boy than like a little baby. Oh, how I would love to kiss those cheeks right now! I am missing you so much right now and can't wait to see you again soon.

    I can't believe you haven't cut some teeth yet. I was thinking you were going to get some teeth soon after I saw you the last time. You were just tricking us with all that drooling! Or, were you just trying to outdo Otis and Daisy???

    I have a new Razorback "uniform" for you -- it matches the new uniforms with black on them. Really sharp looking! I will mail it to you next week.

    I don't think Mr. Bear is growing as well as you are! I remember when you two were the same size. Maybe you need to share your veggies with him!

    Hugs & Kisses!


  3. Peaarce you are the cutest baby boy in the world. I think you are funny. Love the way you are looking at Teddy Bear. When I come we will practice playing Peek-a-boo with Teddy.Laughed at the "outtakes." That crazy hat was all over you! Baby Boy you have got a great start in life. Everyone loves you. Love, Mama and Papa and Cookie

  4. haha! LOVE it! the out takes are hilarious!
