Sunday, July 15, 2012

Pearce's First Food!

Pearce, are you ready for some baby oatmeal?  

Yesterday, we gave Pearce his first taste of baby oatmeal!  We put him in his bumbo seat on the kitchen table...he can't sit in his high chair just yet.  At first he made the funniest face!  He did not know what to think about it.  The oatmeal was a very thin consistency and it would just drip out of his mouth!  But after several spoonfuls, he started to get the hang of it.  Most of it did end up on his bib, but he kept wanting more.  He was able to swallow some, so I would say his first attempt at solids was a success!  What's funny is that he kept looking out the window, too!  We'll stick to the baby oatmeal for a while and then start the process of introducing "real" food!  

He really loved it when we just gave him the spoon to chew on!


  1. Pearce,

    GG loves oatmeal, too! And, I like mine really thin so that I can drink it from my coffee cup. You are just so cute with more on your chin than in your mouth! I don't think you're going to be a picky eater. LOL

    I love you!

  2. Hi, Carrie!

    What a cutie pie! Oh my goodness. Pearce was one of our boys names so I love it. ; )

    You asked about finding time to exercise...oh girl I understand. I remember when Zach was Pearce's age, and it was just enough to get through the day some days. ; )

    It does get better! I wrote a post about this if you want to read it. ; ) Hang in there!

  3. That oatmeal looks yummy! You will have to tell us all the foods you like for when it is our turn. I think you are going to be a great eater!
