Monday, June 11, 2012

Pops and Mimi

Pops and Mimi were due for another visit, and we were ready!  Actually, Cliff had been in San Antonio for meetings, so when his meetings were over they were able to come see us on Wednesday and stay through the weekend   We always have so much fun when they come!  As soon as Pops and Mimi came in, Pearce was all they wanted.  I did get a quick hello and hug :)   We played with Pearce for a while and then went out to eat and tried a new yogurt place by me.  Pearce was a good dinner date, as always.  

It's a shame he doesn't get any attention from his grandparents :)

That evening we did more of the with Pearce, laugh at him, and love on him!  Edie is such a big help because she's so good about cleaning things up or putting things away, which I do that.....but it's just not right away :)  As soon as I give Pearce a bath, she's in there putting his bath stuff away.  As soon as he has a bottle, Edie washes it.  When a load of laundry is dry, she folds it.  THANK YOU EDIE!! This was so funny because Edie was sticking her tongue out at Pearce.  You could tell he was trying to mimic her.  He was really concentrating on Mimi while trying to coordinate his tongue to do the same thing.  Well, eventually he got really good at sticking his little tongue out....he does it all the time now!
"That thing is really funny looking.  I want to try..."

"I did it!  Nanny, nanny, boo, boo!"

Well, hello little guy!

"Tummy time is exhausting."

Playing with Pops and Mimi is pretty exhausting, too!

I think he looks so cute in this little outfit!  

Pearce is ready for a stroll with Pops!

I could just eat this baby up, he is so sweet!!!

Pearce can wear his little Keds now.  They looked really cute on him!  
I absolutely LOVE that Pearce likes to look at books now.  It is so cute!  This book is Pearce's favorite because it lights up and plays music.  It's a really sweet book, but it was funny listening to Pops read words like, "You're my punkin wunkin, my peaches and my pie, my bread and butter peanut butter, apple of my eye!"...ha!

"Hold on Pops, let's check the score on the baseball game..."

"Ok, you can keep reading now." 
We had an early Father's Day dinner for Pops.  Chris cooked the best pork chops, risotto, and spinach.  Then we had Cliff's favorite desert...."cream."  Ice cream, that is :)  We didn't want to leave the doggies out, so they each had a Frosty Paw!
Two Frosty Paws coming right up!

Daisy pretty much ate hers in one bite...and nearly threw it all up.  

Otis, took his time and loved every lick!

Present time!  Pearce was already in bed, so the other grandchildren watched Pops open his present :)

We don't like goodbyes!  

Pops and his little buddy.  

"Hey Mimi, I really like this shiny thing you have around your neck."

Mimi and Pearce
Pops and Mimi we can't wait to see you again soon!  Thank you for everything!  I know I say this a lot, but oh my goodness...Pearce is just so lucky to have such sweet grandparents.  Chris and I both had wonderful grandparents growing up and I am so happy Pearce is going to have the same experience.


  1. I love the picture of Cliff and Edie taking his picture! I think they kind of like Pearce :)

  2. He is so cute! I love his bedding too. :) I've never heard of those sleep suits but will be looking into it if Reagan doesn't like her sleep sacks. :)

  3. I'm so glad that Pearce is able to have loving grandparents who want to be with him as much as we all can, too. I didn't have that growing up, and I'm determined that Pearce will know and love all of us. You might consider charging a fee for visiting him. I think you could make a tidy sum!! LOL

    I can't wait to see him again. I know he learns new "tricks" every day! Hugs & Kisses, little man!! Hugs & kisses to my other 2 babies, too.

