Saturday, June 9, 2012

Planting Flowers

Cliff and Edie are here visiting for a few days.  Edie loves to plant flowers and my front flower bed looked awful, so we went to Lowe's yesterday and got some new flowers to plant!  Our yard guy was supposed to plant some things for me, but I asked him several weeks ago and he still had not done it, so we did and I love how it turned out!

This is a pot in one of the front flower beds and I used to have Salvia in it.  It came back this year and grew pretty tall, but I decided I wanted something that would grow lower and I wanted some color.  The plant in the back is a Plantain Lily and the two in front are called Pow Wow Wild Berry Coneflowers.  It looks really pretty now!

In the middle of our yard, we have a large section that had some things planted, but it just looked kind of sparse and there wasn't a whole lot of color.  We pulled up the old stuff and planted Pentas, Lantanas, and Hostas.
This is the Hosta.  I hope I keep it alive and it blooms!

One of the Lantanas.  Lantana has always done well in this flower bed so I hope this yellow one really grows!
I love Pentas!!!  They always attract butteflies.

I think my yard looks so pretty now!!  Thank you for helping me Edie....I hope I can keep all of this alive!


  1. I just got home from a garden tour of McKinney homes and it was so much fun and made me want to do more with my yard. Next year it would be fun for us to go on this tour. Pintas are so pretty and hardy. Cone flowers are so showy. So good choices there. Here in Texas they need lots of water. Tell Edie I will check on your gardening skills when I am down there. Love, Mom

  2. That looks beautiful! Good job!

  3. Looks good! Check your sprinklers and if they don't reach everything well, just get yourself a hose and give them an extra drink. You can do it!

    Love you,
