Tuesday, February 7, 2012

My new camera!! Thank you Mom!!!

First of all, did you notice my new title to the blog?  It used to be "This Crazy Thing Called LIFE."  Now it's "This AMAZING Thing Called LIFE."  I think that's an appropriate title now that we have our little miracle :)

When my mom was here, she decided to get us a new camera so that we could take lots of really good pics of Pearce.  I had gotten a new one not too long ago, but it's a smaller digital one.  Mom said we needed a really nice one to take pics and the smaller digital one to just have with me in my diaper bag.  I really thought it was too much, but she insisted and we went to Best Buy and looked at the cameras.  She got us the Canon EOS Rebel T3i model.  We have had so much fun practicing with it!  Ashley is coming tomorrow and she has a similar camera so she can show me more about it.  It really is amazing the difference in picture quality with this camera and my smaller camera.  Here are some pics we took with the new camera.  The bath pics are really funny...you can see how relaxed he gets when we wash his hair.  Not bad, huh?

Ahhhh....bliss :)

These were taken in the guest room with just natural light coming in from the window.  My sister Jen took them.  I thought they turned out so cute! 

Margarita time!!  We had Andy and Nandini over for dinner and Chris made fajitas and margaritas! 

Mommy of the Year picture right here! 

I got this shirt in Fredericksburg when a few friends and I did the wine tasting tour.  I was pregnant at the time, so I could not partake in the tasting, but I did get this shirt for after baby.  It says "Mommy's Sippy Cup."  HA!! 

Andy and Pearce 

Nandini and Pearce 

Where's Fatty?   

I just LOVE my new camera!!!!  Thank you so much Mom!!!!  I can't wait to learn how to use it better.  Grandparents, you can expect a lot of pictures of Pearce with this new camera!!


  1. Love the new blog title! We bought the same camera. I'll be expecting lots of tips and tricks next week when I see you!

  2. Loved your pictures. I would love to have #28 I think it was...5x7, The only person as precious as Pearce is his Mommy. I finished knitting the little blue Teddy Bear Suit today and my friend Sandy was here and just raved about it...so hope you like it...hope it fits Pearce. Love, Mom

  3. I love the way he is looking at you in the pictures that Jen took of you all!! I can just see it in his little eyes and on his face, he's thinking "I love you so much, Mommy!" It just melts my heart. I am so happy for you and Chris! God made your wait worthwhile, for sure. The other "children" are looking pretty pleased with Pearce, too!

    Only a week until I get to squeeze him again!

    Love you all,

