Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas 2011

This was the first Christmas Chris and I have spent alone.  We usually alternate between our families for Thanksgiving and Christmas.  This year we were supposed to go to Little Rock to be with Chris' family, but my doctor said, "I strongly advise you to not travel from now on."  So, Chris and I had our last Christmas where it was just the two of us.  Although we did miss seeing our families, we really have enjoyed spending this time together.  We also got everything finished with the nursery which is a HUGE weight off my shoulders!

Here are our first two babies just chillin'

I mean cute are they? 

Awww....SO CUTE!!!! 

Christmas morning, Otis got a new bone! 

He has such a baby-face in this pic! 

There's Mr. Fatty! 

Daisy got a new rope toy since she destroyed her other one.  She LOVED it!! 

My sweet girl! 

Christmas night, we got together with another couple, Andy and Nandini.  Here are the guys just chillaxin' 

Mommy and Daddy to-be :) 

Nandini and Andy.  Aren't they the cutest couple?  They have been such sweet friends to me and Chris.  They are so excited about Pearce's arrival and have said over and over that they will babysit whenever we want....well, o.k.!!!! 

Me, Pearce :) and Nandini 

For dinner, we went to Kobe, a Japanese Steakhouse.  We were so surprised that it was SOOOOO crowded!  We had the best time and best dinner! 

Although we weren't with our true family for Christmas, spending it with Andy and Nandini was the next best thing! 


  1. I'm so glad that Santa was good to my precious granddogs! Thanks for posting the pictures of them with their new toys. We all missed you on Christmas, but the pay-off will be well worth the sacrifice! I'm glad that you all got to be with Nandini and Andy. Enjoy the these last few days of "rest" before going back for your final 2 weeks at school.

    Love you both!

  2. Carrie, It is so wonderful that you have the desk and chair that Mama Pearce used everyday. I remember her looking up phone numbers in the big Springfield phone book and dialing her old black phone, sitting in that chair. All of you sat there and colored and scribbled. Just think how pleased she would be for you to have it and use it. Looks like Pearce has a very organized Mommy. Love the way his closet looks..hope it stays that way. I'm packed and ready too. Just waiting for that call. Love, Mom and Daddy

  3. Your tummy is the roundest most perfect tummy I ever saw. Pearce is going to jump into your arms very very soon. Love, Mom
