Friday, December 16, 2011

33 weeks!!

I was on my way to a holiday party and I wore this top.  This is not maternity, but it worked!

Pregnancy Highlights

How Far Along: 33 weeks, 5 days in the pic
Size of baby:  About 5 pounds and 18 inches long.  Wow!  To think he is already bigger than me when I was born is crazy!
Weight gain:  Who knows!  I go to the doctor on Monday, so I'll find out then.   
Maternity Clothes: I have been so thankful to Ashley for saving all of her clothes.  I really didn't have to buy much at all.  Still wearing the support hose :)    
Gender: BOY!  Pearce Matthew
Movement:  I just loved to feel Pearce move all around.  It's obvious he is now starting to run out of room because his movements are more like stretches and rolls.  I still enjoy feeling him get the hiccups.  Actually, that's always been my favorite :) 
Sleep: It seems like the past week or so, my sleep has been a little more restless.  It seems I have to get up at least 4 times during the night to go to the bathroom.  I've just felt less rested when I wake up.  But, do you think I care?  That's right! 
Symptoms: Definitely more Braxton Hicks contractions, still have an itchy belly, and I have very sore joints when I get up in the morning.       
Cravings:  Now, it's been holiday treats.  Pearce had a great time during my classroom holiday party...he really loved the sweets! 
What I miss:  Honestly, nothing.  I am just so thankful.   
Best moment this week:  My class is having a small baby shower for me this afternoon.  How sweet! 
What I am looking forward to:  Christmas break where I can do nothing but rest and relax....oh and finish his laundry, get his closet organized, meet with a pediatrician, go to Babies R Us....whew...there's still a lot to do!! Also, getting to 34 weeks tomorrow!   
How's that scar looking? It's gonna be a doozy at the end.  It feels really hard...I just don't see how it can stretch more than it has already.  But, I don't care! 
Belly Button: F-L-A-T  :)

I was talking to my mom yesterday and she was telling me how excited she and Daddy are.  Her friends keep trying to plan things for her to do in January and she tells them to not count her in on anything because she's waiting for her grandbaby to come :)  I told her that I now feel like I really am going to get to take a baby home.  I'm feeling more confident about that and it just makes me sooooo incredibly happy I can hardly stand it!!


  1. You look absolutely beautiful and just radiant!! It makes me so happy to see you so happy. I can't wait!!

    I'm just so afraid that Pearce is going to run out of room and have to make an early entrance. I don't want to miss everything! I so much want to be there to see my "little boy" bring his little boy out to meet us for the first time. But, I want what's best for Pearce, so if he needs to arrive w/o much notice, so be it.

    I can't wait to see the pictures of your class shower today. And, I'm glad you're going to get to sleep in and go at your own pace for a couple of weeks. We will be missing you all for Christmas here, but the "gift" from above will be so-o-o perfect and wonderful.

    I love all 3 of you so much!


  2. Did someone really tell you that you look small? You are do I say this...ummmmm...ok, I'm just going to say it...HUGE!!! But in a completely good way! You look adorable! And very pregnant! I'm with Lora, there is no way Pearce is waiting until his due date! Maybe we should get a little bet going!
