Wednesday, November 16, 2011

29 weeks!

Pregnancy Highlights

How Far Along: 29 weeks, 3 days (in the picture)
Size of baby:  Pearce weighs about 2 1/2 pounds, about the size of a butternut squash.  He is a little over 15 inches long from head to heels. 
Weight gain:  I'm up about 24 pounds so far...geeze, that seems like a lot! 
Maternity Clothes: LOVING them.   
Gender: BOY!  Pearce Matthew
Movement: YES!  He is moving SO much.  He doesn't roll around as much's mostly like little kicks and stretches.  Sometimes his little jabs catch me off guard because they are so strong.  I can feel more little parts from my stomach now.  I just absolutely love it when he gets the hiccups which are quite often.   
Sleep: I have to get up several times to go to the bathroom, but I can always go back to sleep.
Symptoms: Reflux....YUCK!  I've been experiencing a little bit of heartburn, but not too bad.  I think the cankles are here to stay!  I've been pretty tired lately, too.   
Cravings:  Really just food.  But, I do feel like I get fuller much faster.  I guess my stomach is starting to get cramped. 
What I miss:  Honestly, nothing.  I am just so thankful.   
Best moment this week:  Knowing I am officially in the THIRD TRIMESTER!!!  Also, when I walked into Starbucks, a man held the door for me and said "Come on in...both of you."  Ha! 
What I am looking forward to:  Getting the window treatments attached to the window as well as the hutch on his changing table.  Then, just putting finishing touches on his nursery. 
How's that scar looking? It's gonna be a doozy at the end.  It feels really hard...I just don't see how it can stretch more than it has already.  But, I don't care! 
Belly Button: There is still a slight indentation, but it's pretty much flat now.  Chris saw it last night and was totally surprised, maybe slightly grossed out that it was flat :)  I kept trying to get him to touch it because it's so smooth and he said NO WAY...ha!  

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