Sunday, June 19, 2011

Life's Journey Part 1

I always knew I would start a blog one day. I love reading other people's/strangers' blogs! A lot of the blogs on my list are people I don't know....but I've been reading their blogs for so long that I feel like I do know them. Strange, I know. So I decided I would start a blog when I had something worth blogging about....a baby. I had no idea my blog would be put off for 2 1/2 years.
The Journey Part 1:
Chris and I got married on March 12, 2004. We knew we wanted to be married for a couple years at least before trying to have a baby. We wanted to enjoy married life and have our own home. I was so ready to start trying for a baby about 2 years after we got married, but we decided to wait a little longer. Three years into our marriage, life threw us a curve ball. I was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease when I was in college. I had surgery when I was a senior and had been in remission ever since....until 2007. I woke up in excruciating pain and knew what was happening. I ended up having to have surgery again for a blockage in my intestine. We had to put off baby-making for another year. I got on a maintenance drug (Azathioprine) to keep my disease in remission. After a year we decided to start trying for a baby. I decided to go off my medication totally thinking I would get pregnant relatively quickly and I just didn't want to be on any medication. September 2008 we officially began trying. Month after month, I would discover that I was not pregnant. At first I just thought our timing was off. So I decided to track my cycles. I started using ovulation test kits every month, I took my temperature every morning and graphed it on a program online, I read books, I took different vitamins, I did EVERYTHING! After a year of trying on our own, we decided we needed to see a specialist.

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