Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Easter Bunny and Egg Hunts!

Last week we went to the mall to see the Easter bunny.  Pearce was soooo excited and like always, just went right up to him and started talking away :)  The pictures turned out so cute!!!  He asked him for an Imaginext toy and LOTS of chocolate....I bet the Easter bunny will bring him those things!  After that, we rode the train.  While we were on the train, Pearce saw this big trampoline jumpy thing and said "I would do that, but I bet we don't have time to do it today."  Well, right then I decided what the heck, I'm going to let him do it :)  After the train ride, I led Pearce over to the trampoline and told him he could do it.  He just looked at me and smiled so big and said "Thank you Mommy!!!"  The operator asked him if he wanted to jump high or super high.  Of course Pearce said super high!  He had so much fun and can't wait to do it again.  After playing in the play area for a while, I took Pearce to get a big soft pretzel....he LOVES those things!  The lady gave him a hat, too :)  Then we went to Macy's for me to look at swimsuits....sweet little Pearce kept telling me how pretty I looked.  There were several Easter egg hunts going on that weekend, but I decided to try a new one at a new fruit farm called Sweet Eats Fruit Farm.  Oh my gosh.....this place was soooooo much fun!  As soon as we drove in, I couldn't believe how pretty it was with tons of big trees, lots of shade and wide open spaces.  We had about an hour before the scheduled egg hunt, so we just explored a bit.  When we were checking in, the owner asked Pearce if he liked Indiana Jones....ummmm YES!  Pearce told him he had seen all the movies and that Temple of Doom was his favorite :)  The guy just started laughing and told Pearce he could pretend like he was Indy and do the rope swing.  From that moment on, whenever he saw us, he called Pearce Indiana, which Pearce totally loved!  There were rope swings, hammocks, hay bales to climb on, a giant dirt pile that kids to climb on and dig for real treasures, a river to wade in, a petting zoo, bunnies to love on, a tractor train, a maze, a giant bounce surface, pony rides, and of course, the egg hunt.  I can't wait to take Pearce back here....all of these activities are permanent.....our new favorite place!  Pearce got a bucket full of eggs and was a happy camper.  We spent another few hours just having fun.  He could not get enough of the bunnies....LOVED holding those bunnies!!  The next day, I took Pearce to the Cedar Park egg hunt.  I thought he looked so cute in his little yellow plaid shorts.  By this time, he had his arm in a sling.....that will be the next post!  So, he had fun collecting another bucket full of eggs, but the event was really crowded and he couldn't do a lot of the other activities, so we left and went to get ice cream :)  A sweet story while we were at Baskin Robbins:  I'm always telling Pearce to smile or wave at people and that most of the time, that person will smile or wave back and he will have made their day a little brighter just by that act of kindness.  So, we got our ice cream and were sitting at our table and in walked an elderly woman.  She sat down at a table across from us while her husband went to get her ice cream.  I was busy cleaning up the table from melted ice cream when I noticed Pearce waving and smiling at her and she was doing the same back to him.  Then he said to me, "Mommy, I smiled at her and she smiled back at me."  I told him that was so kind of him to do.  We were ready to go, but before we left, Pearce stopped at her table to say hello to her.  She told me he was a "darling boy."  Sooooo sweet!  There are so many times that I see Pearce waving to people in their cars from the backseat, haha!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe Pearce did that trampoline thing at the mall! We've watched people on it lots of times and I thought he'd have to be much older. Wow!! The Sweet Eats place looks like lots of fun, too. Bless Pearce's sweet little heart. He loves to make people smile and feel good, especially old people! He is an angel. He makes me smile just thinking about him. Love you my little man!
