Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Pearce's 1st Razorback game!

On the weekend of September 23rd, Chris and I took Pearce to Dallas to spend the weekend there and go to his first Razorback game against the Aggies!  We always go to the game against the Aggies since it's in Dallas.  Usually, Pearce stays with Mama and Papa while we all go to the game, but this year, we decided Pearce was ready to hang with all of us!  When Chris asked Pops and Mimi to go, at first they didn't want to because they've been going to games for so long, that they just prefer to stay home and watch them now.  BUT, when Chris told them Pearce would be going, they started packing their bags right away!  Pearce was soooo excited about seeing Nay Nay and Charlotte, of course.  He was also going to get to play with Uncle Stuart's boys, too.  I knew Pearce was just going to have the best weekend!  As soon as we got to Auntie Ashy's house, Pearce was ready to play!  He had the best time with all of his cousins!  Uncle Stu's boys were soooooo sweet to Pearce.  Not once did Pearce throw a fit or cry about anything.  The kids all got along so well!  Once Pops and Mimi and Uncle Stu got there, we had a great BBQ dinner.  On Saturday, Nay Nay had a football game, so the guys took Pearce and went to see Nay Nay play his game and Ashley and I took Charlotte and Mimi and went out to lunch and to see Grandma.  Grandma was so happy to see all of us, and sweet little Charlotte just made her day!  Charlotte kept giving Grandma kisses and we just had a great visit with her.  We got home and I knew I had to get Pearce to take a nap so that he would have enough energy for the 8:00 game that night!  Pearce really doesn't nap much anymore, but it was surprisingly easy to get him to go to sleep.  He felt so good when he woke up and we were all ready to head to the game!  It was also Layton and Charlotte's first game, so they were excited, too :)  At one point, Pearce told me, "Mommy, this is the best day of my life."  Oh my gosh, my sweet little boy!!!!!!  We all loaded up on our game day snacks and got settled in to the watch the Hogs beat the Aggies.  Well, for a while, we thought that was going to happen, but then it all went downhill.  We lost.  Pearce then told all of us, "Well, that was a terrible game, but I still had fun!"  That's what it's all about!  Although we lost, we all had fun being together.  There's always next year!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Pearce, you got to go to "Jerry's World" for your first Razorback game! That's setting the bar pretty high. My first Razorback game was at War Memorial Stadium. I'm so glad you had a good time with your cousins, even if we didn't win. Maybe next time. WPS!! 🐽
