Sunday, June 21, 2015

Father's Day 2015

Chris had a nice Father's Day today!  We all slept in and then we all helped make a yummy Father's Day breakfast.  Pearce loved helping make the pancakes....apparently he had a little itch, too :)  We gave Daddy a new backpack for work.  Chris is the hardest person to shop for, but I was pretty certain he would appreciate a new backpack....and thankfully he did!  Chris is such a good Daddy to Pearce and Pearce is constantly asking when Daddy is going to be home from work.  As soon as he walks in, Pearce just runs to him.  They are always wrestling and playing together.  On occasion, Chris will let Pearce sleep in our bed and Pearce gets soooo excited when that happens!  Chris works so hard for us and for me to be able to stay home with Pearce, so I am incredibly thankful for that! 


A few of my favorite pics...

And Happy Father's Day to my Daddy!  Daddy, I am so lucky to have a dad as wonderful as you!  I remember so many fun times with you growing up.  My 3 favorite memories are going to the Travelers baseball games, going to work with you at the lumber yard, and sitting on the hood of your car by the airport to watch the planes take off.  Those will ALWAYS be my 3 favorite things you did with us :)  This memory just popped into my head, too....when you and mom dropped us off at college, I'm sure mom cried, but all I remember is you and mom leaving us and you bawling your eyes out :)  Love you, Daddy!!!


  1. Chris really is a good daddy! I'm very proud of him. Pearce is a very blessed little boy to have the wonderful mommy and daddy he has.

  2. I forgot to comment on the pictures of cooking Daddy's breakfast. Did Pearce imitate what he's seen Chris do??? He is too cute!! Love, GG

  3. what sweet memories. Dads are important in our lives. Pearce seems to be much like his dad as he is cooking and "scratching." Love, Mom
