Sunday, March 8, 2015

Swim Lessons

For Pearce's birthday, Mama and Papa got him a set of swimming lessons from the Y.  When I first told Pearce that he was going to start swim lessons, he kept asking if he could go NOW.  Finally, it was time for them to start!  He went twice a week on Monday and Wednesday from 4:30-5:00 for one month.  On the first day, there was one little girl that cried and cried and would not get in the water with the teacher.  I kept hoping Pearce would not be like that...and he wasn't!  He went with Ms. Joanna without any hesitation.  There were a total of 5 kids in the class.  The kids all wore a floatation belt and would stand on the pool ledge while Ms. Joanna taught the different concepts.  Then, she would take each child, one by one, into the middle of the pool to practice.  Twice, Pearce stepped off the ledge and had to be "rescued" by the lifeguard watching his class :)  We started the habit of getting there about 30 minutes earlier so that he could play in the shallow pool for a bit and then after lessons, he played in the shallow pool some more.  After he was all finished swimming, he got to take a shower all by himself.  He loved that!  When he completed his last lesson, all of the kids got a certificate and a sucker.  He was very proud!  Pearce also gave his teacher a Starbucks gift card...I was so happy we did this because he was so excited to give it to her and he was the only one to give her anything!  Pearce loved these lessons so much, that I signed him up for another set!  Thank you Mama and Papa!!

1 comment:

  1. Pearce, I had such a good time with you at your swim lessons! You're doing so well. It was very nice of Papa & Mama to give you swim lessons for your birthday. Keep up the good work!

    Love you,
