Tuesday, May 6, 2014

The day Pearce stole a box of cereal!

Going to the grocery store with Pearce is not my favorite thing to do with him.  He does love it when he gets to ride in the neat carts, but it's not long before he wants out or wants more snacks, or spills all of his snacks, or wants "m's" at checkout.  By the time I get out of there, I'm pretty exhausted and Pearce has usually shed a few tears.  Tonight I needed to run in to get just a few things.  He picked out the cart he wanted to ride in...always the pink one :)  Before I knew it, I was almost finished with the shopping and realized Pearce had been so nice and quiet the entire time.  I went to tell him he was being such a good boy and then found out why...apparently Pearce had swiped a box of cereal and nearly had it open!  I just can't believe I never saw him get it!  The box was pretty torn up, so I bought it....at least it is one of my favorite cereals!  I fixed him a bowl when we got home and it's now one of Pearce's favorites, too :)

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