Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Pearce's last day of Mother's Day Out



Today was Pearce's last day of school.  I have been so sad about this.  Yes, it has been really nice to have one day to myself, but mainly because his teachers have been sooo sweet!  Pearce has learned so much and he only goes one day a week!  I loved going to pick him up and peeking in his room to see him sitting at the table playing with play dough.  I LOVED seeing his face totally light up the instant he saw me and the giant hug I always got!  He always loved to show me the stamp he got that day.  I loved asking him about school and looking in his backpack to see what little surprise is in there....a hand print turned into an elephant, a book order form, a shape that he decorated....   The list could go on and on.  We have had a great year and I am just so thankful I found this little nursery school!
The teachers' gifts.  I got them each a card, a box of candy, a small can of coke, microwave popcorn, and a movie gift card.  They deserve it!



 And then Pearce started running around and fell and skinned his knee...the picture taking went downhill from there....he kept holding up his shorts even though I put a bandaid on his ouchie :)

Pearce's teachers gave me a bunch of things to take home from the year, including his class picture.  The girls were missing on this day!  I love this so much!!


1 comment:

  1. I love this post! Our baby boy is growing up so fast. I remember those same emotions you had when my baby boy went off to St. Mark's for 2 mornings a week 38 years ago! Watching him socialize, obey the teacher, and sometimes "do his own thing" made me feel like. I had done a good job. You are such a wonderful parent and Pearce certainly Exemplifies that!
    GG wishes she could be there to kiss his ouchie! It cracks me up because that is exactly the way Chris was -- get all the sympathy you can! LOL
    Can't wait to see you in a couple of weeks.
