Thursday, October 3, 2013

Tiny Tails Petting Zoo and Cowboy boots

This morning Elizabeth and I took the boys to the Toybrary for a little petting zoo they were having.  Pearce and I have been going to the Toybrary for their fun events, so I was excited Elizabeth and Brice got to come with us!  Pearce is always wanting a "nack" so I was glad I brought a couple pouches of fruit snacks and REALLY glad Pearce wanted to share with Brice :)  

We all sat in a circle and put little mats on our laps to keep from getting any little accidents on us.  First, we all got to hold baby bunnies!!!  Oh my gosh, they were adorable!  Pearce loved our bunny, but man, I LOVED our bunny!  I didn't want to give him back, so the guy let me hold it the whole time.  We got to pet a turtle, a hedgehog, a guinea pig, baby chicks, and a chinchilla!  Pearce and Brice loved seeing the one point though, Brice said "I done" haha!! 

I think this is Brice's "I done" face :)

 After the petting zoo, we decided to go check out a couple cute children's stores.  We went to a gigantic toy store and Pearce and Brice were in HEAVEN!  Then we went to a shoe store to look around and I found the cutest cowboy boots ever!!!!!  I've always wanted to get Pearce a cute pair, but didn't know if I wanted to spend the money on them....oh my gosh, after seeing Pearce walk around in these, I may just have to go back.  Elizabeth said her nephew wore his cowboy boots with everything...I think that's so cute!


  1. We had so much fun! Let's try it again sometime. Thanks for letting us know about it.

    Pearce definitely needs those boots ASAP!!

  2. All those little animals. I think I would have liked to see a little hedgehog. Best of all are those cowboy boots. Pearce must' have a pair of cowboy boots...livin' in Austin gotta be a cowboy ,,,well sort of. Love, Mama and Papa
