Monday, May 13, 2013

Pearce, you can walk!

On May 9, 2013 at 15 1/2 months old, Pearce finally learned how to walk!  He had taken a few steps on his own the past couple of weeks, but not at all consistent, consecutive steps.  I was in Dallas for a a longer visit for Charlotte's birthday party.  Chris and I both said we bet Mom and Dad will really work with Pearce to try to get him to walk more on his own....after all, they did teach him how to hold his own bottle when he stayed with them one time.  Well, they did it!  They got Pearce to walk on his own and he just got better and better and more brave by the minute!  It was so fun and exciting to watch!  I had been waiting for this since 12 months old...I just figured he would be walking around then.  Oh well....I'm used to waiting when it comes to him :)

Papa said we needed to get him comfortable standing and balancing by himself, so that's what we practiced first:

Then we had to lure him with about keys?!    

What about ice from Mama?!

Then we figured out Pearce loved to TAKE the keys to either Mama or Papa.  This was when he really took off with the walking and walked all the way from one to the other.  At one point, he even went past Papa and turned a corner and walked a little further!   It was so fun to watch!



Way to go Pearce!  We are so proud of you!



  1. Pearce, we are missing you. Have you been walking all over your house? I know "Sissy" will help. We had fun with our baby boy and with Mommy so now we can look forward to the next time. Love those sweet cheeks, and legs, and that big boy voice. Kisses and hugs, Mama and Papa and Cookie

  2. Way to go Pearce! You are the cutest little walker!

  3. Oh, Pearce! I can't wait to see you walking! I'm so excited. We can take walks in the neighborhood now that you can walk on your own and GG got a new knee! We may both "toddle" a little, but it will be so much fun. I can't wait to see you on Friday. I love you so much!


