Friday, January 4, 2013

11 months old!

Pearce, you turned 11 months old on Christmas Day!  You were just getting over a really bad cold and you still weren't your happy self.  The pictures below definitely show that!  You also do NOT like to put your birthday hat on anymore.  What are we going to do about that when you have your party?  Although you were not feeling good, I still think these pictures are adorable!  I think you still look so cute even when you cry!

Here are some things I want to remember about your 10th month:

*You crawled non-stop and are very fast!  You especially like it when I "chase" you.  I'll say, "I'm gonna get you" and you immediately start crawling as fast as you can, then stop and look for me....then crawl some more.  It's so fun!
*You began pulling up to a standing position and cruising around furniture!
*You baby-talk all the time.  You say dada, but I can't get you to say mama on command :)
*You know the word "cookie."  When I ask you if you want a cookie (Mum-Mum rice cookie), you smile and start kicking your legs!
*You LOVE all dogs!
*You weighed 21 lbs., 2 oz.
*28.5 inches
*You wore a size 3 diaper, but size 4 at night because you were leaking.
*Size 12 month clothes.
*You began eating chunkier foods and LOVE to eat.  You began feeding yourself pretty well.  You especially love peas.
*You still took 7 ounces of formula at a time, but I noticed you did not drink as much formula as in past months because of you eating "real" food.
*You still took 2 2-hour naps a day.  I almost always have to wake you from your afternoon nap.  
*You still sleep with your two blankies and suck on the corners.
*My favorite of all is that you started giving me hugs.  When I get you up from your naps, you will wrap your arms around my neck and I'll just hug you and say "I love you" and you will lay your head on me and hug me!  You don't do it all the time, but when you do, I just love it!!!! 
*You did begin throwing little fits.  You always want to crawl to the dog bowls and play in the water.  If I say no and pick you up, you will start kicking your legs and cry.  If you're sitting on the floor and we say no about something, you'll put your head down and cry.  Daddy and I get a kick out of it sometimes because you can get soooo upset.  But, thankfully, it doesn't last long and doesn't take much to get you happy again :) 

Pearce, Daddy and I just feel so lucky to have you.  You are at such a fun age right now where you actually play and know what you want....and don't want :)  You are really starting to understand what we say.  You don't always like it when we say no to you, but it is very easy to re-direct you.  You are the best thing that has ever happened to us.  You make life so much fun!  We love you so much little guy and can't wait to see what your 11th month brings!!


  1. Pearce, I noticed that you only gained 2 oz. since your 10th month. I'm sure that's because you were so active crawling around! Mommy is right about how you love to crawl and how fast you are. You love to be chased! You have a sweet little personality developing. And, you're very loving and happy (except when you've got to wear that hat!!). We ALL think you're the best thing that ever happened to us. Your middle name "Matthew" means "a gift from God." You most definitely are that!




  2. You are so cute Pearce when you cry. And you get that face so squeezed up when you go into your big cry...but still so cute. Papa and I really love your cry baby pictures. Love, Mama and Papa and Cookie
