Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Baby's First Christmas...Round 1

Pops and Mimi came for an early Christmas celebration with Pearce...and us, too, but Pearce is the star these days!  They stayed with Pearce Thursday night so I could go to a Christmas party.  Friday, we had a busy day.  We went out to lunch and then had to kill some time until Pearce went for an eye check-up.  Nothing is wrong with his eyes, he just gets to get his eyes checked for free if he goes before his 1st birthday.  So, we went to the mall play area and played and then we rode the train!  We all loved watching Pearce have so much fun on the train ride!

"Pops and Mimi, I want to go to that Build A Bear Workshop one day!!"
Saturday was the day I was REALLY looking forward to.  We were going to see Santa!!!!  I got Pearce dressed in his special outfit I ordered him which has a little Santa on the front and below it says "I Believe."  His little pants are red corduroy with green Christmas trees on them.  I LOVE this outfit!  We waited in line for about 45 minutes.  While waiting in line, we saw Pearce's friend, Kalen.  We finally made our way to Santa and I seriously wanted to start crying because I was so happy, but I held it in.  Santa was so sweet to Pearce and Pearce just looked and looked at him.  He didn't cry....but he didn't smile, either.  Santa gave Pearce a sucker as we left, so of course I had to let Pearce have a few little licks.  We spent WAY too much on pictures, but Chris said I could pick out whatever I wanted :)  We got two sheets of two poses.  I've always loved seeing kids waiting in line to see Santa, I'm just so glad I have my own little boy now to take to see him!!


Saturday evening Pearce got to open his very first Christmas presents from Pops and Mimi.  He LOVED ripping the paper off.  If we just gave him boxes wrapped up, he would be very happy with that!  Pops and Mimi got him the neatest toy and some cute, cute clothes!  The play house is called a Laugh and Play Learning Home.  Every single thing on the house either says something or plays music.  There are seriously TONS of activities on it.  Pearce loved crawling through the door, pulling up on it, and playing with all the different things.  I was so surprised about my gift!  I got a video baby monitor and I just love it!!!  I always thought Pearce went right to sleep after I put him down...he might cry a little, but he would just go straight to sleep...uh, no.  We now know he plays in his crib, rolls around, stands up, falls down, rolls around some more, and THEN goes to sleep.  It is so fun to watch him!  We can even talk to him through the monitor!  Mimi got two spice organizers and a cute notepad organizer thingy, the three of us went in and got Pops the Keurig coffee maker, Chris got moolah, and Otis and Daisy got new dog bones.  We had a wonderful time with Pops and Mimi.  Thanks for everything and we will see you soon!! 

"I know, I know, I'm not supposed to eat this."

Daddy is so fun to wrestle with!


  1. Pearce, you have been so busy! Love your new clothes. You will have to wear them to the library sometime. Can't wait for you to show us how your Laugh and Play Learning Home works. Looks like fun!

  2. Abby & Hannah both loved that home toy too!

  3. What a great Christmas already!! Santa was happy to see such a nice little boy so I know he will bring Pearce many presents. How about that house. Looks like fun! Pops and Mimi had the best Christmas ever with Pearce...we are looking forward to all the Christmas fun too. Love, Mama and Papa and Cookie

  4. Pearce, you are one of the few children I know who didn't throw a screaming fit when they visited Santa for the first time! You knew he was good, didn't you? And, he'll remember that you were good when he visits you! Smart boy!!


  5. I love the doorway toy! I always wanted to get one for Nathan but never did. He and Charlotte will have fun playing with it when we come to visit :)
