Wednesday, August 1, 2012

I hate sweet potatoes...or do I?

We gave Pearce his first taste of "real" food last week on his 6 month birthday (7-25-12).  He had already had baby oatmeal and liked it, so we thought he would LOVE sweet potatoes!  At first bite, he turned his mouth down and let out the biggest cry.  It was the same cry as when he gets his shots!  In fact, this was the same day as his shots.  You can still see his little bandaids on his thigh.  He would calm down and then open his mouth for another bite....BIGGER cry than before.  It was so funny!  We did this several times and then it was like he said, "Wait, silly me, I do like sweet potatoes!"  The pics say it all :) 

"Mommy and Daddy, I sorry for cyring.  I really do like sweet potatoes!"

I guess the sweet potatoes were a shock to his little taste buds after only having baby oatmeal.  Poor little guy!  But, I am happy to report that he has had sweet potatoes several times since and LOVED them!  He's also had bananas and loved, those too!


  1. oh my goodness, how funny!! =) Cute pictures!

  2. This was absolutely hysterical! The whole thing took place over about 4 or 5 minutes. When the first bite went in and the corners of his mouth turned down, he had NOT swallowed. He just sat there and let it drip out the corners of his mouth! He would not swallow. Carrie and Chris would wipe it off and stick in another small bite and he would do the same thing, except cry louder and longer. When he finally swallowed is when he stopped and finally started smiling. It was if he said, "Hey, wait a minute! Maybe sweet potatoes aren't all that bad after all. Maybe I do like them. Could I have been so wrong??"

    I think he's ready for Thanksgiving now!!

