Wednesday, July 25, 2012

6 months old!

Pearce, you are 6 months old today!

Your 5th month has been so much fun!  You have the CUTEST personality.  You sometimes cry if I leave the room!  At first, I thought it was the sweetest thing it makes it a little harder to get things done :)  You are on a very consistent nap schedule.  You wake up between 7-8.  Play for 2 hours, then you start to get fussy, so I put you back in your sleep suit, rock you for a few minutes, and you are OUT for at least 2 hours!  Then we play some more or run errands and you'll take another 2 hour afternoon nap.  You also take a shorter evening nap before dinner.  I put you to bed around 9:00 and you sleep all night!  A couple times this month, you would cry in the middle of the night.  I ignore you if I can :)  If your cries get louder and longer, I go in your room and put your paci back in your mouth and you always fall back asleep.

These are things I want to remember about your 5th month:
*We go to the doctor tomorrow, so I'll get your official stats then.
*You wore size 2 diapers until last week when they started leaking, so now you are in size 3 Luvs.
*You can still wear some of your 3-6 month size clothes, but you're pretty much in size 6 months and some 6-9 month clothes.
*Size 1 shoes.
*You have 7 ounces of formula at a time.
*You began eating baby oatmeal at 5 1/2 months.  At first you had no idea what to do with it, but you have gotten the hang of it now!  We'll start purees soon!
*You still drool all the time!
*EVERYTHING goes in your mouth!
*You learned how to sit up by yourself (5 1/2 months) while we were at the beach!  You love to sit up now!
*You have an inflatable bathtub where you can sit up.  You love to splash and suck on the wash cloth.
*You still spit up a lot. I'm hoping that will ease up once you start eating purees.

"Mommy, no more pictures!  Ok, one more...."

"Here ya go!  Now are we finished?"


  1. Baby Pearce you are the cutest 5 month old I know. I am so glad Mommy takes so many pictures of you. Today I showed your great-grandmother your pictures and she just loved seeing you. Aunt Ashley and your little cousins are coming down to play with you this weekend and then it is my turn. I wish I could sit in a chair and grab my feet. Maybe you can teach me some baby tricks when I see you. Love and kisses and hugs, Mama and Papa

  2. What a doll! He gets cuter every month. Happy half birthday, Pearce!

  3. Happy 6th months little guy!! Gear up for family pictures! We'll do them soon!

  4. I totally agree with Mama & Papa! You are the cutest baby I know, And I know that not a one of us is biased. Mommy needs to keep taking all those pictures and text us "the picture of the day" every day! : )

    GG misses you, too, and I'm counting the days until I can come back! In the meantime, get Mommy to let you hear my voice on some of the books I recorded for you. I'm curious to know if there is a little glimmer of recognition.

    I love you so much!

