Tuesday, June 26, 2012

5 months old!

Pearce, your fourth month has been a blast!  You have become so much more alert and aware of your surroundings.  I can't believe you are now 5 months old!  I bet you are going to learn some new tricks during your 5th month.  I am really looking forward to starting you on solids!  I think we'll try rice cereal this weekend.  I have a feeling you are going to LOVE food!





These are things I want to remember about your 4th month:

*Still in size 2 diapers, but you'll move to 3's pretty soon!
*Size 3-6 month clothes, but getting more into 6-9 month clothes now.
*You can now roll from tummy to back AND from back to tummy!
*You rub your eyes when you are sleepy and when you wake up.
*You sleep like a champ...usually waking up around 8.
*You always take a good long naps....usually around 2 hours.
*You drink 7 oz of formula and spit up about an ounce :)
*You sleep in your crib exclusively now.
*You laugh now!
*You know when I leave the room and sometimes you cry for me...which I love!
*I have discovered that you have eczema on your cheeks.  If you rub  your cheeks on something rough, it makes it worse, so I make sure you're always on a soft surface.  I found some really good cream that works great and has made your cheeks all soft again!

Pearce, I love you so much!  I always look forward to getting you up in the morning and from naps because you are always so happy to see  me!  Daddy plays with you all the time and you love to watch Baby Einstein videos on his iPad.  It's so fun to see you interact with Daddy because he acts so silly with you!  We think Daisy will be your buddy as you grow up.  She loves to check on you and be by you.  Otis loves you too, but he likes to take naps in the closet...all day long!  You are growing so fast and learning so many new things!  We love you!!


  1. Pearce,

    I just love all the pictures of you with your bear! I think you're getting used to the hat, too. You don't look so startled in it any more. I think you were wondering, "What the heck is on top of my head??" Dorty (your Daddy's miniature dachshund) used to look that way when I put his Santa Claus hat on him! LOL

    I see you are getting better at getting the feet in the mouth, too. I just think you are so cute!! I just about can't stand the fact that I haven't seen you in 4 weeks. GG loves you so much!

    I'm glad that Daddy has Baby Einstein videos on his iPad. I didn't know he was into that. You have the most loving Mommy & Daddy you could ever want. They wanted you so much! We all did. Thank you, God, for this wonderful gift!!

    Love you & see you soon,


  2. He is sooo cute!! I just love all of his expressions, such a fun age! =) I am looking forward to that stage where Brynna recognizes us and can smile and such.

  3. Big P man!! You're getting to big such a big boy! Do you want to come to Ms. Erin's early on Friday for 5 month necktie pictures?? Tell your mommy to bring you over early!! See you soon little man!

  4. Those are the cutest pictures in your chair with Peek-a-Boo Bear. Pearce you are looking older, but you still have baby cheeks for us to love. I will see you in just one week at Gaveston Beach. Love, Mama and Papa and Cookie

  5. What a cutie pie. I love the hat! :)

  6. Pearce, we had so much fun at the reunion and I loved getting to hold you so much. Keep getting fatter so I have more to kiss!
