Monday, February 20, 2012

GG's Visit!

GG came to visit us this past weekend.  One thing is for sure....Pearce WILL be spoiled by his grandparents...and that is OK!!!  GG was so excited to see Pearce.  She loved and loved on him, rocked him, sang to him, fed him, burped him, took him for a stroll, and loved on him some more!  We had fun going out to lunch and doing a little shopping, too.  Of course, Pearce was the perfect little shopper....he just slept and slept!  We practiced with my new camera and took some cute pics of Pearce with GG.  GG, we loved having you....come back soon!!!!

First we had to get all nice and clean before GG got here.

Out to lunch!!

This boy loves to be cuddled!! 

GG with her grandchildren :) Here is Otis and Pearce... 

Daisy and Pearce 

All 3 together! 

Out for a stroll.

"Oh, Pearce, GG will get you anything you want!"


  1. I've seen how GG spoils her daughter in law, so I can't wait to see how she spoils her grandson!!! Pearce, not only are you the cutest baby ever, you are so loved!!!

  2. Sixty hours was definitely not a long enough visit for GG!! I absolutely am in love with Pearce. I love the way he looks at me with those eyes. I think he's saying, "I think I know you, but I'm not sure exactly who you are." I intend for him to get to know me and recognize me really soon.

    Mommy and I are going to turn Pearce into a manly shopper (unlike Daddy!), and he will be glad. You don't get a gift if you don't make the trip! LOL

    I can't wait to come back. I had so much fun. I just keep thanking God for this precious little one. He is so loved. Carrie and Chris are just precious parents, too.

    Love to you all,

