Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Bethany school pictures 2015

School pictures were last week and of course I thought Pearce looked absolutely adorable!!  Pops and Mimi got Pearce this shirt a while back, so I was so happy it still fit him really well!  I was going to have Pearce wear brown shoes, but Daddy said he should wear his blue New Balance tennis shoes, and he was right!  I think Pearce looks so "school boy" here :)  I took a few pics before we left for school and all was going well until I said "Oh Pearce, you are as handsome as Nay Nay."  Well, as soon as I said Nay Nay's name, Pearce started crying saying he missed him :(  I just LOVE that Pearce loves Nay Nay and Charlotte so much, but it makes it so hard when Pearce starts missing them.  I got Pearce's school pictures back and I thought they turned out really cute!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, my gosh! He is a "Chris Mini-me" for sure! The plaid shirt, sleeves rolled up, and NB tennis shoes!! I love it! The school pix are really good, too. Can't wait to get mine!

