Saturday, April 9, 2016

Sherwood Forest Renaissance Festival

Last weekend, Christie asked Pearce and I to go with her and Ridley to the Renaissance Festival.  Christie goes every year and said it was so much fun.  So, Pearce and I decided to go on a little adventure with them!  Christie picked us up in the morning and we had to stop at Walgreens first to get our tickets and a few other things for our day.  I stayed in the car with the boys while Christie ran in.  When she came back, she bought each of the boys a stuffed dinosaur that roars.....they were soooo excited and Pearce has been sleeping with "Dino" ever since!  Pearce was so excited to ride in Christie's car.  They were both such good travelers and played and talked with each other and also watched Jurassic Park....they both LOVE that movie :)  It took us about an hour to get to the festival.  As soon as we got there, Pearce started spotting knights, kings, queens, and all kinds of other people dressed up.  He loved it!  Christie and I both said we were just going to take our time and explore and do whatever the kids wanted and just have fun!  I had told Pearce that I would get him a new sword  and he was ready to find that sword!  Christie and I got the boys the cutest, most perfect wooden sword....they loved them!  The boys rode medieval rides, rode a camel and a horse, had a tea party with fairies, went to a petting zoo, saw a pirate's show, shot a bow and arrow, and had "sword fights" in the castle!  We were there until 4:30 and just had the best time!  Pearce and Ridley really loved being was really fun to see that.  It was soooo wonderful to be with Christie and to have time to talk about "life."  I don't get to see her as much as I would like, and this day was just what we both needed!  Thanks for inviting us Christie and Ridley...can't wait to go back!