Wednesday, August 7, 2013

18 month well-check, and a few other things...

Pearce, you turned 18 months old on July 25th!  We went to the doctor for your well-check on Monday. 

18 month stats:
Weight:  24 lbs, 12 oz (60th percentile)
Height:  33 in (75th percentile)
Head Circum:  47.5 cm (55th percentile)

  I LOVE taking you to the doctor for these visits.  You kept saying "dahter" on the way there.  You walked right with me down the hall to the exam room.  You said "HI!" to everyone you sweet!  Our regular doctor was out on this day, so we saw Dr. Lam.  You were so still as she looked in your eyes, nose, mouth and ears.  You were never afraid.  Dr. Lam talked very sweetly to you and you babbled away to her at that point.  She asked if you could say more than 3 words....YES!  I honestly have lost count as to how many words you can say.  She asked me if you had started putting two words together.  I was very proud to be able to say yes!  These are your two-word phrases:
Oh chew:  Hold you
He doe:  Here you go
Ah done:  All done
Tay to Mommy:  Thank you mommy (3 words!!)

Dr. Lam also went through a checklist that would give red flags to having Autism.  Thank God, you passed that.  Things like that make me soooooooo thankful that you are so happy and healthy.  She asked if you could jump and if your feet go off the ground.  If I ask you to jump, you squat down and come up fast, but your feet don't come off the ground yet.  She asked if you jumped off of furniture or a curb....well, maybe if I let you, but I still hold your hand a lot.  I figure you will learn how to jump on your own need to push that!  

You repeat or try to repeat anything we ask you to.  The other day you were pointing to the refrigerator and said "oden."  At first I didn't know what you were saying and then realized you were saying "open!"  I opened the fridge and you pointed to the watermelon :)  You have a funny way of saying watermelon...I don't think I would even know to type it, but that is something you love now!  You had to get one shot, and man, that was so sad :(  I had to lay you down and hold your arms while you got your Hepatitis shot in your thigh.  You cried really hard, but I picked you right up and loved on you and then gave you "Bebe" as you like to call your blankie.  You layed your head down on my shoulder and loved on Bebe and then you were just fine!  You got to choose a toy out of the treasure chest and you chose a squeaky fish.

Because you are now 18 months old, I want to start getting you used to sitting on the big potty and sitting on a little potty chair.  We are not starting to train yet, just getting used to it.  You loved this little potty seat I got.  You also loved yanking the toilet paper off the roll!

Mommy got you one more thing for your 18 month birthday....a learning tower!  One of my friend's husbands built this for you and I painted it.  I can adjust the ledge to go lower as you get taller.  Today you ate your lunch from the counter.  I think it will be so fun for you to "help" Daddy and I cook or just let you play with the water in the sink.

Pearce, how did we get so lucky with you?  I love you so much, sometimes I just can't believe it.  Happy 18 months little guy!!