Saturday, April 11, 2015

To Infinity and Beyond!

We had SUCH a fun day today!  Pearce and I slept in until almost 10:00!  Then we went outside and played in the rain for a while.  Then he watched a couple shows while I cleaned the house.  Every once in a while he would just come up to me and ask me to hold him and then would just kiss and hug on me.  I LOVE that he is so loving towards me and loves for me to cuddle and hold him!  Then we went to run a few errands.  We went to the mall so I could find him some sandals, but no luck.  I did find him two adorable outfits from Gymboree, though!  We were both getting hungry so I asked Pearce what he wanted to eat and he said, "Ummm, I would just wike to have chicken nuggets."  So off to Chick Fil A, we went.  He was such a good boy this whole day and I just had so much fun talking to him and being with him.  He ate all of his dinner and then all by himself, went back up to the Chick Fil A counter to turn in his toy for a free ice cream cone.  My big boy!  Then it was time to go, but we passed the Disney Store and he asked to go in.  We looked around for a while and then he found the Toy Story display and immediately picked up Buzz and started "flying" around the store with him and saying "To infinity and beyond!"  He took Buzz all around the store and looked at the other things.  We don't buy Pearce a lot of toys for no reason...usually just birthday and holidays.  He gets little things here and there, but not big things.  Whenever we go to Target or Walmart, he always asks to look at the toys, but he never asks to get anything.  If he sees something he likes or wants, he always says, "Can I ask Santa for this?" or "When I get older, can I get this?"  My answer is always "yes."  So, he always loves looking at the Toy Story toys and especially Buzz.  He has the soft, stuffed dolls of Buzz, Woody, and Jessie, which he loves, but he always says he would like the "real Buzz."  I had been thinking that maybe when school is out, I would get it for him as a reward for being such a good boy at school.  Anyway, when I saw him playing with Buzz tonight, I just thought, "What the heck, I'm going to get this for him!"  So, I called him over and said, "Pearce, would you like to take Buzz home?"  When I said that, his eyes got so big and he said, "You mean, I could hab him foreber?"  **His "v's are "b's" and his "y's" are "w's"**  I smiled and said "yes."  He immediately started hugging and kissing me and said "I always wanted a real Buzz, he's my fabit!  Wet's take him home!  To infinity and beyond (although he doesn't say this as clear, but I have no idea how to type it out!)!  I totally got teary eyed by his reaction.  He wasn't expecting it at all and his reaction was totally sincere and just sheer excitement.  We went to pay and was talking ninety miles a minute about Buzz and how he gets to go home with him and Buzz is his "best fwend!"  The lady that checked us out thought Pearce was so cute and funny and several other customers commented about how cute it was that he was so excited!  He could not wait for me to get Buzz out of his box.  As soon as I did, he tested out all of Buzz's lasers and voice commands.  I just love that Pearce still loves Toy Story and that he was so excited for this unexpected gift! 

1 comment:

  1. Oh, man! What a neat treat! Buzz is really pretty impressive. I'm so glad Mommy decided to do something special for her special little boy! You are so special and so loved. I can't wait to see your new Buzz. Did you know there's going to be a Toy Story 4 next year? Can't wait!

    XOXOX. GG loves you!!
