Saturday, July 12, 2014

Funnies about Pearce

Lately, Pearce has been saying the funniest things.  I want to remember them, so here they are...

*On July 4, we were getting ready to go to the festival and I told Chris to hurry up and Chris said "Well, if Mommy doesn't get Daddy a to-go cup, Daddy is going to spank Mommy."  Pearce said, "No Daddy!  Mommy is my friend!"

*If he hears a baby crying he will squint his eyes and in a concerned voice say "Oh Mommy, why that baby cying?" 

*He likes it when I pretend to cry and then he will say "It's ok Mommy, don't cy."  Then when I stop pretend crying he will say "Mommy, cy some more."  He leaves off the "r" when he says cry :)

*When it's time to go leave our house and go somewhere, Pearce will usually say "No mommy, I can't go cuz I need to stay in my bed."

*"Mommy tase (chase) me."  I hear that about 100 times a day :)

*Whenever Pearce gets an ouchie he always says "Mommy tiss it."

*Sometimes he will come up to Chris or me and say "Mommy, cose your eyes, I got a prise (surprise) for you."  Then he will pull something out from behind his back and say "Prise, happy birday!"

*He loves fruit snacks but calls them "snee snacks."  Also when he wants a fruit pouch he says "peese pouch."

*Still calls milk "nilk."  Chris will say, "Pearce say m-m-m-milk."  Pearce will say m-m-m-nilk."  Love that!

*This summer, Pearce has loved going to the pool and will say "Mommy, we go fimming this afnoon?" 

*"I do it all myself."  "Mommy, yet me do it."  I hear both of these phrases about 100 times a day, too. 

*Whenever we pass Dunkin Donuts Pearce will say "There's the munkin (munchkins) pace...Mama yikes munkins too!"  Whenever Mama comes to visit, she always takes Pearce to get a bag of munchkins. 

*Pearce likes to watch the videos on my phone, so he will say "Mommy yet me have your phone, I watch ideos....peese, peese Mommy?"

*Whenever we walk into our garage, there's a spider web that hangs in the corner and Pearce always loves to look at it and say, "Oooh...pooky!"  Sometimes he'll say "Mommy, there a pider, that pider gonna get you!"

*"Daddy hone yet?"

*"Mommy, where my came?  I need my came."  GG walks with a cane, so Pearce has his own "came" which used to be a long dust handle that I gave him, but I can't find it so now he uses his golf club :)

*When Pearce wants me to hold him he will still say "Mommy hold you."

*If Pearce gets upset about something or gets in trouble or gets hurt, he will say "I need BB, BB help you."  BB is his blankie.

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