Thursday, March 7, 2013

Pearce, what are you up to now?

Although I said I wasn't going to do monthly updates like I did for his first year, I do have some things that I definitely want to remember about this month.  So, maybe I will still do monthly updates...who knows!  Anyway, Pearce is now 13 months old and soooo much fun!  I know I always say that, but he just gets more and more fun each day!  Here are some things I want to remember:

*You weigh 23.2 lbs.
*Still not walking :(  I am so ready for you to walk, but I know you will do it when you are ready....will you just try to hurry up, though?  In the meantime, you get around just fine with your speed crawling!  
*Size 12-18 month clothes.
*Size 5 diaper

*I am seeing more of myself in you.  You definitely still look like Daddy, but I am seeing some of my expressions in you, and I think your eyes are looking more like mine.  'Bout time!
*You still love your blankies!
*You have quite a vocabulary!  I was wondering when you would start saying real words and it was just after your first birthday.  Your first word was "hot."  Now you say:  Daddy, hot, Sissy (which is what we call our dog, Daisy), cheese, uh oh, doggy, see.  You also babble and talk baby-talk constantly!  Still waiting for you to say Mommy or Mama.

*You understand lots of commands, like brush your hair, brush your teeth, where is the car, where is the doggy, go get your blankie, etc...
*You LOVE to climb stairs and when coming down, you will go right to the edge of the step, then turn around  and go down on your tummy.  I taught you how to do that :)
*You can't STAND it when I wipe your face or nose or hands :)

*You LOVE all doggies and get so excited when we see one.
*Speaking of getting excited, you get really excited when Daddy comes home!  You squeal and kick your legs and can't crawl fast enough to him.
*If you could stay outside all day, you would be happy!  You point to go outside.
*You are usually a very happy little guy and smile all the time!
*At bedtime, after I give you your bottle, I hold you and tickle your back and you will just lay your head down.  You also love it when I rub your head.  Then I hold you like a baby and tickle your face and point out your eyes, nose, hands, and fingers.  You love to be loved on :)


  1. Oh, I hope you'll do monthly updates through 2 years old. They are still changing almost daily those first 24 months. Besides, grandmothers like thos kind of reviews! LOL

    I, too, see your personality coming out in Pearce. And some of your motions/expressions. I can definitely see your imprint!1 You are such a fantastic mommy!

    I am working hard to rehab so that I can come to see you again soon.

    Love you guys!


  2. Pearce you are growing and looking like a big boy. Love, Mama
