Monday, January 14, 2013

Pops and Mimi and an early birthday celebration!

This past weekend, Pops and Mimi came for a visit and for an early birthday celebration with Pearce!  Pops is leaving for Rwanda on the 25th for a medical mission trip!  They came with two big presents and Pearce had no trouble ripping into the paper...and then trying to eat some of that paper.  He opened his presents Friday night and then Daddy put them together and Pearce was ready to play all day Saturday with his new toys!  He got a little play center that has a slide, basketball and goal, and a baseball and bat!  Perfect for him to crawl all over.  He also got the cutest little zebra ride-on toy.  He didn't quite know how to move it at first, but now he totally has the hang of it! 

Pearce loves to clap now....and every time he does clap, we all say, "Yaaaay!"  It is so cute!

How cute are these??

Daddy showed Pearce how to sit on Mr. Zebra and move his legs to make Mr. Zebra go.

Pearce loved going up and down the slide!

Pops loved taking Pearce on a wagon ride around the block.  The whole time Pearce was just squealing and yelling and having the best time!

Saturday night Chris cooked us a great dinner, but the main attraction was Pearce eating his cake!  He was starting to get tired, so we put a hold on dinner prep and just went ahead and gave Pearce his cake.  I got 5 different slices of cake at the store for all of us.  Pearce's was white cake with sprinkles and I put a little number 1 candle on his cake.  We were trying to get a good picture of Pearce with the candle lit, but I was so afraid of him putting his hand on the candle, so then I just blew out the candle and gave him the cake....TOTALLY forgot to sing Happy Birthday to Pearce!!!!!!!  I feel awful about that!  I guess we can say this was a practice run, but ugh!!!  Oh well, he LOVED his cake and we all loved watching him play with it and take bites and smile and clap!

The adoring grandparents!!

After this, Mimi cleaned up and Pearce went straight to the tub!  We had such a fun time with Pops and Mimi as always.  Thank you so much for a great weekend and for spoiling our baby boy!  Pops, we hope you have a great time in Africa...can't wait to see all of your pics!  During his trip, Pops is going to go on a day trip to see the mountain gorillas!  I can't wait to hear all about that!  I hope you see a mama and baby gorilla!  We love you Pops and Mimi!!!!


  1. LOOK at how big he is! Oh my goodness he's adorable! I've had craziness going on the last few months...trying to catch up on my blog and everybody else's! Can't believe he's almost ONE! Gah...time slow down:(

  2. Oh, Little Man! You are going to be so confused! Three Chistmases and 2 Birthdays in 1 month's time!! It will not always be like this, though. We are all just so happy to have you that we can't help our selves! LOL Looks like you got some good "loot" though. Have you taught Otis and Daisy to go down the slide yet?

    I can't wait to see you. I will see you in just 10 days. Ten l-o-n-g days!! I can't wait to get some of your juicy kisses!

    GG loves you!

  3. Those cake pictures are so cute! Looks like Pearce got some good stuff!

  4. Pops and Mimi got you a play ground right in your living room. We are so anxious to see you play and climb and dive into your 2nd birthday cake. I think I will have my piece BEFORE you dive in Pearce. We love our big boy. Can a year have already gone by? Love, Mama , Papa, and Cookie

  5. SO cute! he looks so adorable diving into that cake! and he got some great toys~ pearce always has the COOLEST toys! Logan can't wait for playgroup at yalls house :)
