Friday, April 20, 2012

MAD...the progression

So, Pearce was playing in his bouncy seat and being so cute!  He was smiling and kicking as I jiggled the toys for him.  I got my camera out and as soon as I did he clammed up!  I could not get him to smile no matter what I did.  Then he started to get tired and fussy.  I think he's so cute happy, sad, or mad, so I decided to take pictures of him getting mad.  I know, I know...mean mommy.  But this is pretty funny!

"Alright mommy, enough playing.  Can I get out now?"
"Mommy, I really am serious."

"Why aren't you listening to me?"

"I'm going to make real tears and then you're going to feel bad!"
"I'm not PLAYING!  Put that camera down!"

"You've done it now mommy.  I am crying real tears cuz you made me!"

"Mommy, look at my little hands....they are shaking.  Please make me feel better."

"That's better.  I love you Mommy and I forgive you.  I'm going nighty night now."


  1. Your pictures look good! Cranky, sad and crying pictures are great to have! I love the crying lip pout pictures I have of both my girls!

  2. These are so cute! I love the one that says "I'm going to make REAL tears, and then you're going to feel bad!" That one I have witnessed personally!!

    You are really getting good with your camera, too. I agree with Erin that some of the cutest pictures are the cranky, sad, & crying ones. They are so real!

