Saturday, February 25, 2012

1 Month Old!!

Our baby boy is 1 month old today!!!  I can't believe it!  One month of us being parents.  It has been a wonderful month!  I feel like we are in a "routine" now...I put it in quotes because it's not a set in stone kind of routine, but it seems to work right now.  I usually feed Pearce his last bottle around 11:00, change his diaper, swaddle him up and put him in bed around 11:30.  He will sleep all night until 6 or 7 the next morning!!  Sometimes he'll start to stir a little earlier.  If he wakes up at 7 or later, I'll just go ahead and stay up after I feed him.  If he wakes up earlier, I'll put him in bed with me and he'll sleep another hour or two!  After he eats, we'll play on his play mat for about 15 minutes.  Then he usually starts getting tired again after that and he'll take a little nap.  During his naps, I'll do housework.  So that's kind of our routine right now.  Here are pics from his 1 month photo session.  I couldn't decide which one was the cutest, so I just included all of them!!
"Mommy, I don't want to take a picture!"

"I sorry Mommy.  I'll be good." 


Pearce, you are one month old today!
*You are out of your newborn diapers and now wear a size 1.  They are still a little big, but the newborn diapers got too small.
*You still wear most of your newborn clothes.  I've tried to put some 0-3 month outfits on you, but they are still too big.
*You are taking 4, sometimes 4 1/2 ounces of Similac Formula every 3-4 hours.
*You weigh 9 lbs, 9 oz.
*You are 21 1/4 inches long.  
*You get gas a lot and sometimes that makes your tummy hurt, so I've started putting 5 drops of Mylicon Gas Drops in your formula and it seems to help!
*You are still a very sweet, laid back baby!
*You love to ride in the car and go in your stroller.
*You sleep through the night which makes Mommy sooooo happy!!!
*We went to our first play group that was just for first time moms.  You did great!  Everyone thought you were so cute and I loved showing you off!
*You love to be held and cuddled....which I love, too!
*You are a lot more alert now and can focus on toys!

**I could go on and on about you.  You are the baby of my dreams.  You are what I have always wanted and soooooo much more!  You have made me and your daddy so happy this past month!  I just love to squeeze and kiss on you.  I look forward to what your second month of life will bring.  I love you so much!!!!


  1. Pearce you look so healthy and growing each day. One month old. Best of all you have a Mommy and daddy that love you so much. Not to mention Daisy, Otis, Papa, Mama, Cookie and on and on. See you soon sweet baby boy, Love Mama

  2. Adorable! Happy 1 month Pearce! That went by so fast!

  3. I can't believe it's already been a month! You look so cute with your little bear. I miss you and can't wait to see you!
