Thursday, December 29, 2011

35 weeks!

So, I am now 35 weeks, 5 days pregnant.  I just can't believe how fast this last part of pregnancy is going!  I remember when I first started this blog and added the ticker, it was something like "Only 200 days to go!"  Now the ticker says "30 days!!!!"  I am just so thankful that this pregnancy has been pretty uneventful...until last week and this week.  I have had the worse cold with a bad cough and congestion.  I felt like I was getting better, but over the weekend and the first part of this week, my cough got pretty bad and I just could not get any good sleep.  I didn't want to take any medicine, but Chris finally convinced me to call my doctor because in Chris' words, "You sound like a smoker whose been smoking a pack a day for years."  Lovely!  So, I called my doctor and he told me a few over the counter medicines I can take plus he got me an antibiotic just in case.  I am finally starting to feel better!  I'm just glad I've had these past two weeks to rest and take it easy!

Wow...I didn't realize how tired I look in this pic!  At least I did brush my hair and put on some lip gloss!

Pregnancy Highlights
How Far Along: 35 weeks, 4 days in the pic
Size of baby: Over 5 1/2 pounds and 18 1/2 inches long.  He's running out of room because he is now gaining about an ounce a day! 
Weight gain: I weigh about 135 right now.
Maternity Clothes: While on Christmas break, I've been living in my soft, stretchy pants and t-shirts.
Gender: BOY! Pearce Matthew
Movement: Still like stretches and rolls. I still enjoy feeling him get the hiccups.
Sleep: Definitely more restless sleep. I have to get up at least 4-5 times during the night and I find it's harder to go back to sleep.  Having a cold has definitely hurt my sleep...I guess I need to get used to that, though! 
Symptoms: Braxton Hicks contractions, still have an itchy belly, and I have very sore joints when I get up in the morning.
Cravings: Food in general!
What I miss: Nothing!
Best moment this week: Everything is marked off the list as far as the nursery goes!!  We ordered the remaining must-haves from our registry, got the nursery closet organized, and set up the computer in our room AND bassinet in our room. 
What I am looking forward to: Getting to 37 weeks and then maternity leave in a few weeks!!
How's that scar looking? It's gonna be a doozy at the end. It feels really hard...I just don't see how it can stretch more than it has already. But, I don't care!
Belly Button: F-L-A-T :)

Even though I've been sick, Chris and I were still able to finish a few minor projects.  Ashley saved all of Nathan's clothes and about a month or so ago, she and I went through them all and got only the clothes that were in good condition and would work for Pearce's age/season.  Well, I had about 5 trash bags FULL of clothes ranging in size from newborn to 4T!  I've been washing and organizing them and finally finished by putting them in these containers with a label.  There are 6 containers that contain clothes from 12 months-4T PLUS two containers of shoes!  Anything under 12 months, I hung up in the closet or put them away in drawers.  Thank you Auntie Ashley!!!!

Here's the closet when you first open it.  See the containers at the top?

It took FOREVER to wash and organize these clothes, but I am so thankful to have them now!!

Yep, I think Pearce is set for a while!  Plus, since Nathan was Ashley's first, she really spared no expense toward his clothes...Gymboree, GAP, Janie and Jack....ahhh....I'm so lucky!

I am so excited about this!  This is Pearce's little "nest" I bought from Etsy.  I always dreamed of having one of these for newborn pictures, so when I found out I was pregnant, I got on Etsy and ordered one! 

I can just picture him all snuggled and curled up in this.  I can't wait!!

I also ordered this diaper cover and hat from the same lady.  Isn't this so cute!  Again....I always dreamed of having my baby wear something like this for newborn pics. 

This was one of my projects I wanted to do during the break.  It's a blessing ring.  I saved all of the cards people gave with gifts plus the ribbon that came on his gifts.  I punched a hole in the corner of each card and about every 4th card, tied a ribbon.  Such a neat reminder of how loved this little baby already is. 

Here's another one of my projects sitting in the guest room :)  I know it's still a little early, but I had the time and decided why not!  I had fun getting all of the things together that I would toiletries, two cheap (but actually pretty cute) nightgowns from WalMart, a robe, slippers, comfy coming home outfit for me, and a few other things.  Chris always jokes about how I start packing for a trip WAY ahead of time...well, I guess I can't argue with that :)

And the final project.  Since the nursery took the place of our office, I've been without a computer.  I was able to use Chris' laptop, but that's his work laptop and it was such a pain waiting for him to get off it...or not being able to use  it at all because he was out of town!  We've had this desk and it was just a matter of moving out an old chair and bringing this in and setting everything up.  This desk was my grandmother's, Mama Pearce.  Remember how I wrote about the lamps that are in the nursery?  Well, this was another one of her things that I got.  At the time, I had no idea what we would do with it, but now I am so glad I got it!  It fits perfectly in this corner.  We had hopes of refinishing it, but we just never got around to it.  I actually don't mind the scratches and "wear" that it shows.  I totally remember sitting at this desk at Mama Pearce's and drawing or helping her make a grocery list.  The chair is the same chair she had, too!  It's nothing fancy, but I love it!  Oh, and if you open the center compartment, there's a very old typewriter in there...pretty cool!

Last project...getting this little froggy mounted on the guest bathroom wall for all of the bath toys.  I know Pearce won't need this for a while, but it makes me smile when I go in there :)



  1. That frog is the cutest thing ever. Pearce will love it. Love, Mom

  2. I am SO not suprised by how organized and on top of things you are! I knew that Pearce's closet would look totally put together and better than anything I could have done! Why do you think I always have you help me organize my closets??? You're the best organizer there is! I can't wait to see Pearce in some of Nathan's clothes! The only way you could get thrown off is if Pearce decides to come early. Come next weekend while I'm there!!!
