Sunday, September 18, 2011

21 weeks, 1 day!

So, today I am 21 weeks, and 1 day pregnant.  I am so excited about painting his room.  I got the fabric swatches in and can't wait to pick out a paint color.  I also received a few pictures that I ordered and his growth chart is on the way.  I have his whole nursery envisioned in my head, but I don't want to get too many things until we have his furniture...then I can really decorate.  My little man has been very active the past few days.  This morning, I was laying on my side and I think he was doing somersaults or flips!

Pregnancy Highlights

How Far Along: 21 weeks, 1 day
Size of baby: 10 1/2 inches long, about the length of a carrot, three-quarters of a pound.
Weight gain: Still 15 pounds, I think. I go back to the doctor at the end of the month.
Maternity Clothes: Yes! I definitely have to wear maternity pants and I have been wearing maternity shirts, but I can also wear some non-maternity shirts, too.
Gender: BOY!
Movement: YES! I love feeling HIM move all the time now!
Sleep: I have to get up several times to go to the bathroom, but I can always go back to sleep.
Symptoms: Chris also says I have started snoring loudly at night...ha!
Cravings: FOOD period! I am loving food these days!
What I miss: Not a thing!
Best moment this week:  Receiving the fabric swatches....ready to pick out the paint! 
What I am looking forward to: Working on his nursery!
How's that scar looking? It actually looks the best it's ever looked because it's stretched out and laying flat.
Belly Button: I've noticed that my belly button has gotten more shallow this week.

My friend Heather, gave me this sweet little blanket.  I can just picture baby boy holding it and loving on it because it is so soft. 

She also gave me this balm.  It is so creamy.  She said it's good to rub on your belly to minimize stretch marks and you can also use it on baby, too.  I've been slathering it on my belly and it feels sooooo good! 


  1. Oh OK, I thought that was the stuff for Otis' nose, so it might look like a little is missing. Ooops.
