Monday, August 1, 2011

Hello 2nd Trimester and dreaming about the nursery...

I have officially entered the 2nd trimester. I can't believe it!! Today was our 2nd OB appointment. Chris went with me so he could meet my doctor. It was very quick and easy. The main thing is that we got to listen to our baby's heartbeat again. I will never get tired of hearing that sweet sound :) My blood test results came back and they were all within normal range, so I just do another blood test in 2 weeks and hopefully that will rule out most of the common birth defects. Lots of people have asked if we plan to find out the sex of our baby or have it be a surprise. The answer is YES, we do want to find out! Getting a positive pregnancy test is surprise enough for me! That appt. will be at 20 weeks....can't wait! Now onto the nursery. Below are pictures of my 3 most favorite cribs:

2nd Edition Monterey Room Package- Chocolate Mist 2nd Ed-Tori Room Package- Crib + Changer + Dresser 2nd Edition Grayson Room Package- Cherry

They are from JC Penney. I had no idea JC Penney carried baby furniture. I have been fantasizing about our baby's nursery for years, and now I really get to start planning it! I love these cribs because they all got great reviews and are really good quality. I have looked online at lots of other places, but these are my favorites! At Penney's, you can purchase the room "package" which comes with the crib, changing table, and dresser at a bit of a discounted price. I love all of the furniture pieces each crib comes with. My favorite crib is the first one because I love that you can see a bit of the dust ruffle at the bottom :) I think we would go with the dark brown color in whichever crib we choose. Oh, and they're all convertible cribs which will give it YEARS of use. We're not ready to purchase anything yet, but a mommy-to-be can dream can't she?


  1. I love all those cribs!! So excited for you :)

  2. put some pictures of the bedding on and see which ones everyone likes best. Love your bracelet and diaper bag!
